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To carry oxygen to the frog's body cells.

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Q: What is the function of the frog blood cell?
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What parts are visible in a frog blood cell?

its cell

Can a cell wall be seen in frog blood cells?

No, frog blood cells do not have a cell wall. Unlike plant cells, animal cells, including frog blood cells, do not have a rigid cell wall. Frog blood cells are surrounded by a cell membrane that regulates the passage of substances in and out of the cell.

What is the cell part of the dark center of a frog blood cell?

the nucleus.

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What is the dark center of a frog blood cell?

The dark center of a frog blood cell is the cell nucleus, which contains genetic material such as DNA. The nucleus is responsible for controlling cell activities and regulating gene expression.

What cell part is used to describe the outer edge of a frog blood cell?

Cell membrane

What is the function of a frog's ventricle?

A frog's ventricle pumps blood out of the heart through its body. Our left ventricle does the same thingto pump out blood.

What is the function of the frog's vein?

to carry blood from hind limbs of frog to post caval in sinusvinosis to be oxiginated

Describe the structure and the function of the mesentery associated with the intestine of the frog?

The mesentery is a thin tissue containing blood vessels. Its function is to protect and shelter the nerves and blood vessels coming into the small intestines of the frog.

Which is a function of the cell membrane in red blood cells?

A function of the cell membrane in red blood cells is to regulate the passage of substances in and out of the cell, such as oxygen and carbon dioxide. This selective permeability helps maintain the cell's internal environment and function.

What is the function of the heart in a frog?

The heart in a frog pumps oxygenated blood to the body tissues and deoxygenated blood to the lungs for oxygenation. It has three chambers - two atria and one ventricle - which help separate oxygenated and deoxygenated blood to some extent.

In a frog what is the holding area for blood that also has a function in the immune system?
