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Q: What is the function of the fatty deposits?
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What circulatory system disease characterized by fatty deposits?

Atheroma (Atherosclerosis) is a generalised thickening of arteries due to fatty deposits

What is the medical term meaning disease in which fatty deposits collect on the walls of the arteries?

Atherosclerosis is the condition in which fatty deposits collect on the walls of the arteries. These deposits may increase the risk of heart attack or stroke.

What is an Endarterectomy?

Endarterectomy is an operation to remove or bypass the fatty deposits, or blockage, in an artery narrowed by the buildup of fatty tissue

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Mild hepatomegaly with fatty infiltration and focal are of fat sparing is basically fatty deposits in the liver.

A condition in which fatty deposits bulid up on the walls of arteries is called?


What do Fatty deposits that restrict the flow of blood in the arteries best describes?


What fatty plaque deposits in the arteries?

High density lipoproteins i believe

What heart disease is the result of reduced blood flow to the heart caused by the build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries?

Heart disease typically does not cause fatty deposits in the arteries. Rather the process is the other way around: an unhealthy diet high in fat and cholesterol causes a build up of fatty deposits, and these deposits lead to heart diseases such as Coronary Heart Disease.

What is the name of the fatty deposits in the blood?

The name of fatty deposits in the blood is cholesterol. These deposits can build up in the blood vessels, leading to a condition known as atherosclerosis. It is important to manage cholesterol levels through diet, exercise, and medical intervention to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke.

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What is the medical term meaning Formation of fatty deposits on the inner lining of the coronary arteries?
