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Calcium selenide, CaSe, is formed.

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Q: What is the formula of the ion compound formed by calcium and selenium?
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The chemical formula of the compound formed when sodium reacts with selenium is Na2Se. This compound is called sodium selenide.

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The compound formed between calcium and chlorine is calcium chloride, with the chemical formula CaCl2.

What is the chemical formula for the compound formed between sodium and selenium?

The chemical formula for the compound formed between sodium and selenium is Na2Se. Sodium has a +1 charge, and selenium has a -2 charge, so two sodium atoms combine with one selenium atom to form a stable compound.

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The compound formed between lithium and selenium would have the chemical formula Li2Se. This is because lithium is in Group 1 of the periodic table and has a +1 charge, while selenium is in Group 16 and has a -2 charge.

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The compound formed from calcium (Ca) and sulfur (S) is calcium sulfide (CaS). The formula for calcium sulfide is CaS.

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The compound formed from the ions of calcium and bromine is calcium bromide, which has the chemical formula CaBr2. In this compound, calcium ion Ca2+ combines with two bromide ions Br- to achieve a neutral charge.

Compound formed between sodium and selenium?

The compound formed between sodium and selenium is sodium selenide (Na2Se). It is an inorganic compound that consists of sodium cations (Na+) and selenide anions (Se2-). Sodium selenide is often used in chemical synthesis and as a precursor for other selenium-containing compounds.

What is the formula for the compound formed from Ca and As?

The compound formed from Ca and As is calcium arsenide (Ca3As2). The formula is determined by balancing the charges of the calcium ion (Ca2+) and arsenic ion (As3-) in order to achieve a neutral compound.