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The formula for the speed of light, in vacuum, is

c = 299,792,458 meters/second . where ' c ' is the speed of light.

In any material substance, the speed of light is

c/(the index of refraction for that substance) . Gamma rays, radio waves, and all other members of the electromagnetic spectrum

between those, all have the same speed.

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Q: What is the formula for the speed of light and which light between gamma rays and radio have the highest speed?
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Is there a light stronger than Gamma?

Yes, there are types of radiation more powerful than gamma rays, such as cosmic rays or ultra-high-energy gamma rays. These are extremely energetic forms of radiation that are typically produced in astrophysical environments like supernovae or active galactic nuclei.

Does visible light have a higher frequency than gamma rays?

No, visible light has a lower frequency than gamma rays. Gamma rays are the highest frequency of electromagnetic energy. They are above X-rays.

What are the similarities between light and gamma rays?

Light ray and gamma ray both travel in a straight line.

Which have the highest frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum?

Gamma rays have the highest frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum, followed by X-rays, ultraviolet light, visible light, infrared radiation, microwaves, and radio waves in decreasing order of frequency.

Which light wave has the shortest wavelength and the highest frequency?

The light wave with the shortest wavelength and highest frequency is gamma rays. Gamma rays have wavelengths shorter than 10 picometers and frequencies greater than 10 exahertz.

Which of the following waves has the highest frequency?

Gamma rays have the highest frequency among the options listed. They have the shortest wavelength and highest energy in the electromagnetic spectrum.

Which type of light carries the most energy?

Gamma rays carry the most energy among all types of light. They have the shortest wavelength and highest frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum.

Is it true that the highest energy electromagnetic waves are UV rays?

No, the highest energy electromagnetic waves are gamma rays, which have the shortest wavelengths and highest frequencies. UV rays have shorter wavelengths than visible light but lower energy than gamma rays.

What light packs the highest energy per photon?

The highest energy per photon is found in gamma rays, which are a form of high-energy electromagnetic radiation. Gamma rays have the shortest wavelengths and highest frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum.

What has the highest frequency in the electromagnetic spectrum?

There is no such thing as the highest frequency. Since photons or electromagnetic travel at the speed of light its frequency correlates to the energy. The highest energy, and thus the highest frequency, is found in cosmic radiation, where a single photon may carry many millions of kiloelectronvolts.

What is the difference between visible light and gamma waves?

Gamma rays are of higher energy and much much shorter wavelength than visible light.

Which type of electromagnetic waves has the highest frequency?

Gamma Rays are the highest frequency waves. Lower than that are X-rays then Ultraviolet. Then visible light, infrared, microwave, and radio waves are the lowest frequency. Here is a link which gives more information