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Q: What is the fold and what's the oldest rock where is are in the center of the fold?
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A fold in which the oldest rock layers are in the center of the fold is?

If rocks are folded, the folding is younger that the youngest rock affected. If they are folded into a syncline (a U-shaped fold) the youngest rocks are in the core of he fold. The opposite is true for an anticline (a big dome-shaped fold).

What is an upward fold called?

An upward fold in the Earth's crust is called an anticline. It is characterized by layers of rock that are folded upward in an arch-like shape, with the oldest rocks in the center of the fold.

A fold shaped like an upside-down bowl is a?

an anticline. It is a type of fold in rock layers where the oldest rocks are in the center and the youngest rocks are on the outside. This type of fold is created by compression forces in the Earth's crust.

What rock layers are arched upward?

Rock layers that are arched upward typically form anticlines. Anticlines are characterized by an upward curve or fold in rock layers where the oldest layers are found in the center of the fold and the youngest layers are found on the outer edges.

What fold is the fold in which the youngest rock layers are in the center?

Such a fold is called a syncline.

A fold where both ends of the rock layer are horizontal?

A horizontal fold is known as a syncline. In a syncline, the youngest layers of rock are found in the center, while the oldest layers are exposed on the outer parts of the fold. This type of fold typically forms in compressional tectonic environments when rocks are squeezed together.

A valley that dips between two parallel ranges of hills was formed by a downward fold in a rock is called an?

This geological formation is called a syncline. It is a downward fold in the rock layers where the youngest layers are in the center and the oldest are on the outside.

What is a fold in which the youngest rock layers are in the center of the fold called?

A fold where the youngest rock layers are in the center is called an anticline. In an anticline, the rock layers are folded upwards, creating a convex shape with the oldest layers on the outside and the youngest layers in the center.

What is the name of a fold in which the youngest rock layers are in center?

Such a fold is called a syncline.

An upward fold is called an anticline?

Yes, an upward fold in rock layers is known as an anticline. It is characterized by the convex shape where the oldest rock layers are found at the center of the fold and the youngest layers are at the outer edges.

Fold in which the youngest rock layers are in the center?

The youngest rock layers are in the center of a syncline fold. This is because syncline folds form when rock layers are bent downward in the middle and upward on the sides, causing the youngest layers to be in the center.

What kind of stress causes a anticline?

anticlines are caused by extensional stress on the rocks, and syncline is caused by compressional stress. The stress is always pushing from the oldest layer of rock toward the youngest layer of rock, so in an anticline, where the oldest rocks are in the center of the rock fold, they push outward toward the younger rocks. In a syncline the youngest rocks are in the center of the fold and the oldest rocks are on the outer edge, the older rocks push inward toward the youngest rock.