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ZERO as there is NO pressure given

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Q: What is the flow in cubic feet per second in a ten inch diameter pipe flowing full with a flow velocity of 2.2 feet per second?
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How do you convert 5.3 meters per second into liters per second?

You don't. metres per second measures velocity. litres per second measures flow rate. There is no conversion. Possibly you mean 5.3 cubic metres per second - that's easier. There are 1000 litres in a cubic metre. So its 5300 litres per second. That's the flow rate of a small river. Actually you can convert flow to velocity as long as you know the internal diameter of the pipe. Where Velocity - V = m/s Flow - Q = m3/h (1 L/s = 3.6 m3/h) Diameter - D = Internal Diameter of pipe in mm V = 354 x Q/D2

What is discharge and how does it affect velocity?

Discharge is the volume of water flowing in a river at a certain point over a specific period of time, usually measured in cubic meters per second. It directly affects velocity in rivers because as discharge increases, the amount of water flowing through the river also increases, leading to higher velocity. Conversely, lower discharge results in slower velocities.

How do you convert velocity 295 gram per second to cubic per second?

The measurement units in this question are so confused as to make any answer incorrect. Velocity is not measured in gram per second and also must have a direction (it is a vector). Cubic per second is not a measure of anything unless cubic WHAT is specified.

What is the estimated discharge in acre foot per day of a 4 inch diameter pipe with a velocity of 1 cubic foot per second?

The pipe diameter doesn't matter. If the pipe is discharging a cubic foot per second then it will discharge 86400 cubic feet in a day, because that is the number of seconds in one day. One acre foot is 43560 cubic feet, so the pipe discharges 86400/43560 ~= 1.98 acre feet. On the other hand, if you meant to say the water velocity exiting the pipe is 1 foot per second (not one cubic foot per second), then, assuming you have the average water velocity, you need to figure the flow rate first. The pipe has a radius of 2 in. so its cross sectional area is pi*r^2 = pi*4 ~= 12.57. So a volume of 12.57 in.^2 * 12 in. is discharged per second, which is ~ 150.80 in.^3 or about 0.09 cubic feet. From there it's the same as above. On the other other hand, if your water velocity is not the average over the cross sectional area but instead a point velocity, say at the middle of the stream of water, then you need to figure the average velocity. You'll need a hydraulics book with pipe roughness coefficients for that.

Is air velocity measured in cubic feet?

No, air velocity is typically measured in feet per minute (ft/min) or meters per second (m/s). Cubic feet is a measurement of volume, not velocity.

How do you convert Meters per second to cubic meters per hour?

There is no direct transfer of meters per second to meters cubed per second. Meters per second is velocity, meters cubed per second is volumetric flow. If it is fluids in a channel or pipe and you knoe the area of the fluid flow then you can use Flowrate = Area x Velocity

Formula for calculating the velocity of water in a pipe?

You need to know the cross sectional area of the pipe, this would be in square feet or square meters. Then take the volume flow in cubic feet per second, or cubic meters per second, and divide it by the area, this will give the velocity in ft/sec or m/sec V=(21.22*Q)/D2 V = velocity D= diameter of pipe Q= flow

What is the difference between velocity and volume of the river?

Velocity refers to the speed of water flow in a river, typically measured in meters per second. Volume, on the other hand, refers to the amount of water passing through a given point in the river over a period of time, usually measured in cubic meters per second. In essence, velocity is the speed of the water flow, while volume is the quantity of water flowing through a specific section of the river.

What is the difference between stream discharge and stream velocity?

Stream discharge is a product of the velocity and the area of the stream (velocity x width x depth), and has units of volume per time (e.g. cubic feet per second, cubic meter per day, etc). Stream velocity is the vector describing the speed of the water and has units of length per time (feet per second, meter per second). Stream discharge is relatively constant as you move up and down a stream, while velocity will change predominately as you change depth. The velocity of water is lowest near the bed of the stream, and highest at the surface.

How do you find the diameter of a water balloon in qubic inches?

Diameter is a length measurement. Cubic inches is a volume measurement. Diameter cannot be measured in or converted to cubic inches.

How many cubic feet in cylinder 1.5' in diameter?

There are 1.77 cubic feet of volume per foot of length at 1.5' in diameter.