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Q: What is the fixed path where earth move around the sun?
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What would happen if the planets did not move in their fixed path?

If the planets did not move in their fixed orbits they may dash each other.

How does the earth sun and move in relation to each other?

The Earth orbits the sun. (Earth travels around the sun on an oval path.)

What it the earth's path around the sun called?

earth's path around the sun is its orbit

What os the earth's path around the sun called?

Earth's path around the Sun is called Earth's Orbit.

What is the path in which the earth moves around the earth?

this path is called its orbit :)

Why does the earth not moves due to gravity?

The earth does move due to gravity.Without gravity, the earth would move in a straight line. The force of gravity between earth and the sunis what bends the earth's path into a closed curve around the sun, called earth's "orbit".

What is the path earth takes around the sun or the path the moon takes around earth?

That would be an elliptical orbit.

Do electrons move around a nucleus?

Yes, electrons move around the nucleus of an atom in specific energy levels or orbitals. The movement of electrons is based on quantum mechanics and they can exist in a probabilistic cloud around the nucleus rather than following a fixed path.

What is the name for a path the earth takes as it revoles around the sun?

The path that the Earth takes around the sun is called its orbit.

What is to move on a path around an object?

To orbit.

What causes the earth to move around the sun?

The Earth moves around the Sun due to gravitational attraction between the two. The Sun's gravity pulls the Earth towards it, causing the Earth to orbit around the Sun. This gravitational force keeps the Earth in its elliptical path around the Sun.

What direction does the earth move?

The earth rotates on its axis from west to east, causing day and night. It also orbits around the sun counterclockwise in an elliptical path.