

Best Answer
  • hydrogen-1
  • hydrogen-2
  • carbon-12
  • etc.
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Q: What is the example of a nonradioactive isotope?
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What eleme NT is nonradioactive decay in uranium?

Lead, the isotope Pb 206.

What element is nonradioactive in the chain decay of uranium?

Only the end product of the decay chain of uranium, a non radioactive isotope of lead.

What is a nonradioactive material?

A non-radioactive element is an element that has at least 1 isotope that is not radioactive. The means that at least one isotope has a stable nucleus that does not break down by shooting off high-energy particles.

Is isotope an example of sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride is a compound, not an isotope.

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What is the difference between radioactive and non-radioactive isotope?

Radioactive minerals are unstable and emit radiation at a constant rate. They also have half lives and lose energy overtime. Nonradioactive minerals are stable, and by there own are incapable of emitting energy.

Which nonradioactive halogen occurs as a solid?

Iodine is a nonradioactive halogen that occurs as a solid at room temperature and pressure.

What is Isotope purity?

If an element has one and only one stable isotope, an example is Gold.

If you had a stable element 115 could you then have an isotope of it that would be non-radioactive?

Element 115, also known as moscovium, is highly unstable and all of its isotopes are radioactive. It is unlikely that a stable isotope of element 115 could exist based on our current understanding of nuclear physics and the periodic table.

What notation indicates the thorium isotope produced?

For example a thorium isotope is Th-231 or 23190 Th.

What is an example of isotope at your house?

An example of an isotope in my house would be carbon-14, which is used in carbon dating to determine the age of organic materials.

How is this isotope written symbolically?

An example with a zinc isotope: 81Zn (mass number as superscript before the chemical symbol)