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The estimated length of the refractory period for a pyramidal neuron is around 1-2 milliseconds, which is shorter than the duration of the action potential itself. The refractory period is important for preventing the neuron from firing another action potential too soon after the previous one.

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Q: What is the estimated length of refractory period for pyramidal neuron compared to length of action potential?
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What can you compare a sinkhole to?

A sinkhole can be compared to a pothole on a road, as both are depressions or holes that form on the surface. Sinkholes can also be compared to caves, as both are voids formed underground that have the potential to collapse.

Does a crystal lattice have lower potential energy than a neutral atom?

Yes, in a crystal lattice, atoms are arranged in a repeating pattern that minimizes their potential energy. This arrangement is more stable and has lower potential energy compared to individual neutral atoms.

What do you call the state of a neuron when it is not firing a neural impulse?

The state of a neuron when it is not firing a neural impulse is called the resting potential. This is when the neuron is negatively charged inside compared to outside, waiting for a stimulus to change its electrical charge and initiate an action potential.

Why alkali metals have more negative electrode potential?

Alkali metals have more negative electrode potential because they have a strong tendency to lose electrons, making it easier for them to be oxidized at the electrode surface. This electron-donating tendency results in a more negative electrode potential compared to other elements.

When the electrical potential in a cell is in action versus a resting state the electrical charge reversal?

When a cell is in action, the electrical potential becomes more positive compared to the resting state. This is due to an influx of positively charged ions such as sodium. During the resting state, the electrical potential is negative, maintained by the concentration gradient of ions across the cell membrane.

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