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Q: What is the era of good feeelings?
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Does Chris Brown has feeelings for rihanna?

no he does not have no feeling for her

How does the weather reflects Winnie foster feeelings?

because she likes tutti in the butt

Why was the time after the war of 1812 called The Era of Good Feeelings?

Even though the war of 1812 had no real winner the American people saw it as a victory for the U.S, because it showed America could still protect itself from Britain. This invoked nation wide patriotism.

When does a cell store energy?

When it feels like it. U gotta give ur cell sum time. Cells have feeelings!

What were the feelings of era good feelings?

the era of good feellings were the feelings that people ate.

What was the era before the era of good feelings?

The Great Depression.

What is considered a good era?

The Golden Era Was When Jesus Was On Earth

What was the era good feelings?

An era of peace, pride, and progress.

The Era of good Feelings was marked by?

The Era of Good Feelings was marked by a strong sense of national unity.

When political differences faded this era was known as?

The Era of Good Feel

Is a high ERA in baseball good or bad?

A high ERA would be considered bad. In the National League, an ERA of less than 3.50 would be considered very good. In the American League, an ERA of less than 4.00 would be considered very good.