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Warmer surface temperatures in the tropics are a phenomenon called El Niño (for the Christmas season) and the related cooler temperatures are called La Niña. The climate cycle is technically called the ENSO (for El Niño Southern Oscillation). El Niño brings wetter winters to the southwest US and northern Mexico, and cooler, wetter winters to the southeast US. Another summer effect is to reduce hurricane activity.

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The phenomenon you are referring to is called El Niño. It occurs when there is a periodic warming of sea surface temperatures in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. This warming alters the atmospheric circulation patterns, resulting in increased rainfall in the southern part of the US.

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Q: What is the elevated water temperature in the eastern pacific ocean that causes increased rainfall in the southern part of the US?
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What is southern monsoon?

The southern monsoon refers to the seasonal wind pattern that brings heavy rainfall to southern regions during the summer months. It is characterized by a shift in wind direction that brings moisture-laden air from the ocean, causing increased rainfall in areas like Southern Asia, Australia, and Africa. The southern monsoon is important for agriculture and water resources in these regions.

What southern city has moderate rainfall?

Savannah, Georgia typically has moderate rainfall, with an average of around 50 inches per year.

What effects do el nino and la Nina have on Africa?

El Niño tends to bring warmer and drier conditions to southern Africa, leading to decreased rainfall and drought conditions. On the other hand, La Niña often results in increased rainfall and wetter conditions in eastern and southern Africa, potentially leading to flooding and crop damage. These weather patterns can significantly impact agriculture, water resources, and food security in the region.

How does the lake effect change the climate of southern Michigan and other regions of the Middle West?

by the rainfall

What places have low temperature but high rainfall?

Some places with low temperatures but high rainfall include the Pacific Northwest region of the United States (such as Seattle and Portland), parts of Western Europe (like the UK and Ireland), and the southern region of Chile. These areas typically experience cool, wet conditions due to their proximity to bodies of water and prevailing weather patterns.

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The very southern city in Africa that received moderate rainfall (21-60 inches) is Capetown.

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In January, Faro in the Algarve Region in southern Portugal has a daily mean temperature of 53 degrees Fahrenheit [11.9 degrees Celsius] and averages 3 inches [77 millimeters] of rainfall.

What is southern monsoon?

The southern monsoon refers to the seasonal wind pattern that brings heavy rainfall to southern regions during the summer months. It is characterized by a shift in wind direction that brings moisture-laden air from the ocean, causing increased rainfall in areas like Southern Asia, Australia, and Africa. The southern monsoon is important for agriculture and water resources in these regions.

What is the elevated grazing area in southern Argentina called?

Its called a Ranchote.

Explain two physical factors with affect agriculture in Southern Ontario?

Two physical factors that affect agriculture in Southern Ontario are temperature and precipitation. Temperature influences the growing season and determines which crops can be cultivated. Precipitation levels impact soil moisture and crop growth, with droughts or excessive rainfall affecting yields.

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Southern slope of Himalayan Receive more rainfall than northern slope?

Yes. Southern Slope receives more rain.

What northern part of a country in Africa is dry and the southern part has moderate rainfall?


What is the annual rainfall for ivory coast?

The annual rainfall in Ivory Coast ranges from around 1,500 to 2,500 millimeters, with the southern coastal areas receiving the highest amount of rainfall and the northern regions experiencing a drier climate.