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Full form: 1s1.

it doesn't have noble gas configuration as there is no noble gas before hydrogen

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Q: What is the electron configuration of hydrogen in full and noble gas form?
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The long form electron configuration for carbon is simply 1s2 2s2 2p2. The noble gas shortcut electron configuration for C is [He] 2s2 2p2.

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Does H and HE have the same valence electron configuration?

Hydrogen and helium have different valence electron configurations. Hydrogen has one valence electron, and helium has two valence electrons. However, hydrogen does typically form covalent bonds in which it shares an electron, and thereby gains an effective electron configuration of two, like helium. Hydrogen also can form the H+ ion which has no electrons.

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Group IA atoms need to lose 1 electron to achieve a noble gas configuration. This will result in a full outer shell, similar to the nearest noble gas in the periodic table.

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The noble gas configuration for potassium is [Ar] 4s^1. To form a cation, potassium would lose its one valence electron, resulting in a 1+ ion. Therefore, the ion formed when potassium achieves a noble gas electron configuration is K^+.

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The electron configuration for argon is 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6. Argon has 18 electrons and is found in the noble gas group, which means it has a stable configuration.

What is the noble-gas configuration for lithium (Li)?

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