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Q: What is the egg called immediately after fertilisation?
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What is the combining of a sperm and egg called?

The combining of a sperm and egg is called fertilization. This process is essential for the formation of a new organism in sexual reproduction.

What is the sperm and egg cells is called?

Internal fertilisation.

When the pollen lands on an egg is this pollination or fertilisation?

When pollen lands on an egg, it is the beginning of the fertilization process. Pollination is the process of moving pollen from the male part of a flower to the female part, while fertilization occurs when the sperm from the pollen reaches and fertilizes the egg.

The joining of an egg and a sperm cell is called?

Conception or fertilisation are both terms applied to the fusing of sperm and egg.

What is the union of egg and sperm to produce new cells?

Once a sperm enters the egg, fertilisation of the egg begins.

What is the joining of the male nucleus from the pollen grain with the egg cell in the ovule called?

The joining of the male nucleus from the pollen grain with the egg cell in the ovule is called fertilization. This process results in the formation of a zygote, which eventually develops into an embryo within the seed.

Process of uniting an egg with a sperm?

The process of uniting an egg with a sperm is called fertilization. It occurs when a sperm cell penetrates the outer layer of an egg cell and fuses with the egg's nucleus, forming a zygote. This marks the beginning of a new organism's development.

What is the uniting of the sperm cell with an egg cell called?

fertilisation I think ... But so a bit more research yourself on it

What is an egg called immediately after conception?


Which state is first in egg production?

The state of fertilisation.

What is a uniting of a sperm cell with an egg cell?

The uniting is known as fertilisation of the egg by the sperm.

What is it called when sperm and egg unite?

The result is a fertilized egg called a zygote :]