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Q: What is the dissociation of the individual from the collective conscience?
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Are there any differences between individual and collective values?

Individual values guided are formed in our mind by interaction with nature,religion & society guided by our conscience while collective values are social values accepted in society guided by social -religious-political norms.

It is truly enough said that a corporation has no conscience but a corporation of conscientious men is a corporation with a conscience. Which of these rhetorical devices does Thoreau use here?

Thoreau uses antithesis in this statement by contrasting a corporation without a conscience to a corporation of conscientious men with a conscience. This creates a powerful juxtaposition that highlights the importance of individual values within a collective entity.

What is opposite of guilty conscience?

The opposite of a guilty conscience is a clear conscience, where an individual feels free from any feelings of remorse or wrongdoing.

What is the relationship between law and conscience?

Law is a system of rules and regulations created by a governing authority, while conscience is an individual's personal sense of right and wrong. Although individuals may feel morally obligated to follow their conscience over the law, the legal system generally takes precedence in matters of enforcement and punishment. However, laws often reflect societal norms and values that are influenced by collective conscience.

Individual vs collective bargaining?

I will go with individual

Are collective rights a good thing?

No, collective rights are horrible compared to individual rights.

Should governments attempt to balance the promotion of individual and collective rights?

To what extent should governments attempt to balance the promotion of individual and collective rights?

Who was the Puritan minister who believed in the individual's private religious conscience?

roger Williams

Who was puritan minister who believed in the individual's private religious conscience?

roger William

How does the social contract solve the problem of reconciling the rights of the individual with the rights of the collective?

It is a contract that disregards the rights of the individual in favor of the "will" of the collective. The rights of the collective? Honor the rights of all individuals and the rights of the collective are undeniably protected. Claim the collective has rights that are superior to individual rights and the collective becomes a pool of human fodder for those clever enough to plunder. The will of the people? The people have spoken? I am speaking now, when you speak you will be speaking then and if you speak in these WA pages you are participating in a collective but are you speaking for the collective? Certainly, as many will attest, I don't speak for the collective. I speak for those who find themselves with headings such as ANOTHER VIEW or A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE and were I to foolishly enter into agreement with any social contract, my VIEW and PERSPECTIVE would be subject to the "will" of the collective. I am fortunate to be treated as an individual with certain rights as an individual in this WA site, and I am fortunate there is Dispute Resolution Center and a Community Advisory Team set in place to help me when I find myself being subjected to the "will" of the collective.I relish being an individual, I am proud and honored to be a part of this collective known as, but I will always be an individual first and foremost and so will you.

What is the collective noun for team?

The word "team" is a collective noun since it includes all the individual members of the team.

To which sociological tradition does the term collective conscience belong?

The term "collective conscience" belongs to the functionalist sociological tradition, which emphasizes the ways in which society maintains stability and order through shared norms, values, and beliefs. It was introduced by Emile Durkheim in his work on social solidarity and the importance of a shared moral code in maintaining social cohesion.