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Q: What is the dispersal agent of a mahogany?
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Name the fruit bearing plants and the agent through which seeds are dispersed and part or seed which is dispersal?

Apple tree (Malus domestica) - agent: animals; dispersal: seeds encased in fruit. Maple tree (Acer spp.) - agent: wind; dispersal: seeds attached to a propeller-like structure. Coconut palm tree (Cocos nucifera) - agent: water; dispersal: seeds enclosed in a buoyant husk.

What are the four dispersal methods?

The four main dispersal methods are wind dispersal, water dispersal, animal dispersal, and self-dispersal. Wind dispersal involves seeds or spores being carried by the wind, water dispersal involves seeds or spores being carried by water currents, animal dispersal involves seeds or spores being carried by animals, and self-dispersal involves seeds or spores being dispersed by the plant itself.

What characteristics are necessary for mechanical dispersal of seeds?

Mechanical dispersal of seeds typically occurs through mechanisms like explosive seed pods, wind dispersal, or animal dispersal. Characteristics that aid in mechanical dispersal include lightweight seeds, winged structures for wind dispersal, or structures that allow for explosive release of seeds.

What are the agents of germination?

The main agents of germination are water, oxygen, and suitable temperature. Water is essential for activating enzymes and providing hydration for growth. Oxygen is needed for the process of respiration to produce energy for the seedling. Temperature influences metabolic processes and enzyme activity during germination.

How are tamarinds are dispersed?

by mechanical dispersal also called self dispersal

Related questions

What is the agent of a mahogany?


What is the agent seed dispersal?

animals are the agent of xanthium seeds

Can man be an agent of seed dispersal?


Name the fruit bearing plants and the agent through which seeds are dispersed and part or seed which is dispersal?

Apple tree (Malus domestica) - agent: animals; dispersal: seeds encased in fruit. Maple tree (Acer spp.) - agent: wind; dispersal: seeds attached to a propeller-like structure. Coconut palm tree (Cocos nucifera) - agent: water; dispersal: seeds enclosed in a buoyant husk.

What is the agents of seed dispersal?

animals are the agent of xanthium seeds

What is a dispersal agent?

A dispersion agent is a chemical substance that is added to a liquid to prevent it from hardening. The agent will cause distribution of ingredients in the entire product.

What are maple seed?

maple seed is a seed with wings around it. it's agent of dispersal is wind .

Differentiate between mechanical dispersal and agent dispersal?

Fruits are designed to protect the maturing seeds and help with the dispersal (spreading) of seeds after they have matured. If seeds were not spread over a large area, they would be stunted from the competition with each other. The type of fruit determines whether the seed are scattered by mechanical dispersal or by agent dispersal. Mechanical dispersal occurs when the ripened fruit bursts open and scatters the seeds some distance from the plant. Agent dispersal occurs or in this case birds and many other animals become dispersal agents by feeding on fleshy fruits like blueberries, raspberries, and black berries. Many of the seeds pass throguh an animals's digestive sistem unharmed or are dropped by the animal before being eaten; consequently, the seed may be sccattered far from the parent plant.

What are the agents of seeds dispersal?

wind dispersal, water dispersal, animal dispersal and mechanical dispersal

What the agents of the seeds?

wind dispersal, water dispersal, animal dispersal and mechanical dispersal

What trees are mahogany made from?

Mahogany is a wood from the mahogany tree.

Is mahogany red or brown?

Mahogany is a hardwood.