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Solubility: the total amount of a solute dissolved in a solvent, at a given temperature, pressure and at saturation.

Ex.: Sodium chloride - 359 g/L at room temperature.

Solubility product: the concentration of the first ion multiplied by the concentration of the second ion, released by the dissociation of an ionic compound, at equilibrium. The appreciation is made with the solubility product constant:

Ksp = [A].[B]

Ex.: Lithium fluoride

Ksp = [Li+].[F-] = 3,8.10-3

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6d ago

Solubility refers to the maximum amount of a solute that can dissolve in a solvent at a given temperature, usually expressed in grams of solute per 100 grams of solvent. Solubility product (Ksp) is a constant that represents the equilibrium between a sparingly soluble solute and its ions in a saturated solution at a specific temperature. It is the product of the concentrations of the dissociated ions raised to the power of their stoichiometric coefficients in the balanced chemical equation. In essence, solubility describes how much of a substance can dissolve in a given solvent, while solubility product quantifies the extent to which a compound can dissolve under specific conditions.

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How will you know if a compound will precipitate after a substitution reaction?

You can determine if a compound will precipitate after a substitution reaction by calculating the solubility product (Ksp) of the products formed. If the ion product (Q) exceeds the Ksp value, a precipitate will form. Additionally, the solubility rules can also be used to predict whether a compound will precipitate based on its solubility in water.

What are three key words or phrase related to solutions?

Solutions are chemical mixtures, and three words concerning them might be concentration, solubility, or particles.

What does it mean to say that the solubility of a salt represents a dynamic equilibrium?

When the solubility of a salt is described as a dynamic equilibrium, it means that the rate of dissolution of the salt into its ions is equal to the rate of precipitation of the salt from its ions. In other words, there is a balance between the ions dissolving and re-forming the solid salt, resulting in a constant concentration of dissolved ions in the solution.

How does the type of solute or solvent affect solubility?

Intramolecular H-bonding is hydrogen bonding that happens within one molecule. Hydrogen bonding is a very polar bond between a hydrogen atom and a highly electronegative atom, such as N, O, or F. If the solute is placed in a polar solvent, it will be very soluble, because it itself is polar. If the solute is placed in a nonpolar solvent it will not be very soluble.

What is the different between quatation and quotation?

There is no difference between "quatation" and "quotation." It seems like "quatation" may be a misspelling or typo of "quotation." "Quotation" refers to the act of quoting or citing someone else's words, while a "quotation" is the exact words or passage that is being quoted.

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Type your answer here... Dissolution is a rate process that is it is dependant on time. It is dynamic process. While solubility is a static property, does not dependant on time. also solubility is a inherent property.

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You can determine if a compound will precipitate after a substitution reaction by calculating the solubility product (Ksp) of the products formed. If the ion product (Q) exceeds the Ksp value, a precipitate will form. Additionally, the solubility rules can also be used to predict whether a compound will precipitate based on its solubility in water.

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A solute is a substance that is dissolved in a solvent to form a solution, while a solubility refers to the ability of a solute to dissolve in a solvent. In other words, solubility describes how much of a solute can dissolve in a given solvent at a specific temperature and pressure.

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Particles,concentration,and solubility.

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The solubility limit is the amount of mols of a solute that a solvent can hold. In other words, it's the point at which a certain solvent becomes saturated. Hope that helps. =D

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Solutions are chemical mixtures, and three words concerning them might be concentration, solubility, or particles.

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