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They have more energy in higher levels. It is required until it falls to a lower orbit.

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These electrons have a different and opposiste spin.

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Q: What is the difference between two electrons in different sub levels of the same energy level in the same atom?
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What were the four principles of the bohr model?

The four principles of the Bohr model are: electrons orbit the nucleus in fixed energy levels or shells, electrons can jump between different energy levels by either absorbing or emitting photons, angular momentum of electrons is quantized, and the frequency of emitted or absorbed light is directly related to the energy difference between electron levels.

Why do cations emit colors when heated in a Bunsen burner flame?

Transitions between electronic energy levels release electromagnetic radiation corresponding to the energy difference between the levels. The heat promotes the electrons to the higher level; when they drop back down to the lower level a specific color of light is emitted.

Is there any other energy state aside from the lowest energy state for an electron?

Yes, while nature will always try to place electrons in their lowest energy configuration, electrons can temporarily occupy higher energy states. When they fall back to the lowest energy state, the difference in energy is released as light - "a photon". Different colors of light reflect differing energy state jumps made by electrons.

Do neutrons have more energy than electrons?

No, Neutrons are nuetral so they do not move in different energy levels. Only Electrons do.

Do atoms absorb the same energy?

No, atoms do not absorb the same energy. The amount of energy an atom can absorb depends on its electronic structure and the specific energy levels of its electrons. Different atoms have different numbers of electrons and different energy level arrangements, so they will absorb and emit energy at different wavelengths and energies.

Related questions

Electrons can only absorb photons that have energy equal to what?

Electrons can only absorb photons that have energy equal to the energy difference between two allowed energy levels in the atom or molecule.

What were the four principles of the bohr model?

The four principles of the Bohr model are: electrons orbit the nucleus in fixed energy levels or shells, electrons can jump between different energy levels by either absorbing or emitting photons, angular momentum of electrons is quantized, and the frequency of emitted or absorbed light is directly related to the energy difference between electron levels.

Do electrons have different amounts of energy?

Yes, electrons can have different amounts of energy. In quantum mechanical systems where any particle (not just electrons) are bound, they can only acquire discrete amounts of energy called energy levels. Adding energy to an electron in an atom might cause it to jump to a higher energy level and is then said to be in an excited state; if it were to fall to a lower level it would give up a discrete amount of energy equal to the difference in energy between the two states.

What is the difference between a neutral atom an ion and an excited atom?

A neutral atom has an equal number of protons and electrons. An ion has gained or lost electrons, giving it a positive or negative charge. An excited atom has electrons in higher energy levels than their ground state due to absorption of energy.

Why do cations emit colors when heated in a Bunsen burner flame?

Transitions between electronic energy levels release electromagnetic radiation corresponding to the energy difference between the levels. The heat promotes the electrons to the higher level; when they drop back down to the lower level a specific color of light is emitted.

What is difference between electrical and electricity?

Electrical is an one type of energy ie flow of electrons... this flow of electrons constitutes the Electricity which we are using for our use

Why do elements have a characteristic color when exposed to heat?

When an element is heated, its electrons absorb energy and move to higher energy levels. As the electrons return to their original energy levels, they release this energy in the form of light. Each element has a unique arrangement of electrons, resulting in a specific set of energy levels and therefore a characteristic color when heated. This color is determined by the wavelength of light emitted during this process.

Why do electrons emit light when they fall down to their ground state?

When electrons fall down to their ground state, they release energy in the form of photons of light. This is because the energy difference between the higher energy state the electron was in and the ground state is emitted as light. The wavelength of the light emitted depends on the specific energy difference between the two states.

When excited electrons radiate energy the amount of energy given off is equal to?

The amount of energy given off by excited electrons when they radiate energy is equal to the difference in energy level between the initial and final states. This emitted energy is typically in the form of photons.

What is the different between endothermic and endothermic?

The difference between endothermic and exothermic energy is that exothermic energy is the reaction that releases energy and endothermic is the reaction in ehich energy is absorbed.

Why do electrons have different amounts of energy at different points of the circuit?

Electrons have different amounts of energy at different points in the circuit due to the presence of components like resistors, capacitors, and inductors which can absorb or release energy as electrons move through them. The voltage across different components in the circuit determines how much energy the electrons have at that particular point.

What is the Measure of the energy available to move electrons or potential difference?

potential energy