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preference range is the one which need operation of things healthy,reliable & trouble free etc. but in any systems there will be abstract or difficulty in attaining the above said things.

so the tolerance range are fixed as, by which the system will achieve same healthy,reliable & trouble free etc. with some negotiations

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Tolerance range refers to the range of environmental conditions within which a species can survive and reproduce, while preference range refers to the specific range of conditions where a species will thrive and exhibit optimal growth and reproduction. In other words, tolerance range represents the limits of conditions a species can tolerate, while preference range represents the ideal conditions for a species.

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Q: What is the difference between tolerance range and preference range for environmental conditions?
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What application does a tolerance curve have in ecology?

A tolerance curve in ecology is used to show an organism's response to variations in environmental conditions, such as temperature or pH. It helps ecologists understand an organism's range of tolerance to specific environmental factors and how these factors may impact the organism's growth, survival, and distribution in their habitats. Tolerance curves are important tools for studying species interactions and predicting how organisms may respond to environmental changes.

What is a tolerance curve?

A tolerance curve is a graphical representation that shows the range of environmental conditions within which a species can survive and grow. It reflects the limits of an organism's ability to tolerate variations in factors like temperature, pH, or salinity. Tolerance curves help scientists understand the ecological requirements of different species and predict how they may respond to changes in their environment.

What can affect an organisms limits of tolerance?

An organism's limits of tolerance can be affected by environmental factors such as temperature, pH, salinity, oxygen levels, and availability of resources like food and water. Genetic adaptations, acclimation abilities, and behavioral responses also play a role in determining an organism's ability to survive and thrive within certain environmental conditions.

What does a tolerance curve indicate about an organism?

A tolerance curve shows the range of environmental conditions within which an organism can survive and thrive. It indicates the upper and lower limits of factors such as temperature, pH, or salinity that the organism can tolerate. Beyond these limits, the organism may experience stress, illness, or death.

What is tolerance- biology?

In biology, tolerance refers to an organism's ability to withstand or survive unfavorable environmental conditions, such as extreme temperatures or pollution. Tolerance can vary among species, with some being more tolerant than others to certain stressors. It is an important factor in determining an organism's distribution and survival in different habitats.

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What application does a tolerance curve have in ecology?

A tolerance curve in ecology is used to show an organism's response to variations in environmental conditions, such as temperature or pH. It helps ecologists understand an organism's range of tolerance to specific environmental factors and how these factors may impact the organism's growth, survival, and distribution in their habitats. Tolerance curves are important tools for studying species interactions and predicting how organisms may respond to environmental changes.

What is the difference between the ideal range and the range of tolerance?

Ideal range means the normal operating conditions, and range of tolerance means the extreme varied conditions in which operation can continue, without failure

What is the difference between ideal range and the range of tolerance?

Ideal range means the normal operating conditions, and range of tolerance means the extreme varied conditions in which operation can continue, without failure

What is the difference between tolerance range and optimal range?

Tolerance range refers to the range of conditions in which an organism can survive, while the optimal range refers to the specific conditions within the tolerance range where an organism thrives and functions best. In other words, the tolerance range indicates the limits of what an organism can endure, while the optimal range reflects the conditions that are most favorable for its growth and health.

What is a tolerance curve?

A tolerance curve is a graphical representation that shows the range of environmental conditions within which a species can survive and grow. It reflects the limits of an organism's ability to tolerate variations in factors like temperature, pH, or salinity. Tolerance curves help scientists understand the ecological requirements of different species and predict how they may respond to changes in their environment.

What is shelford's law of tolerance?

Shelford's Law of Tolerance states that the abundance and distribution of a species in an ecosystem is determined by the environmental factor for which that species has the narrowest range of tolerance. In other words, the limiting factor in an ecosystem is the resource or condition that is nearest to the minimum or maximum tolerance of a particular species. This law highlights the importance of understanding and managing critical environmental factors to maintain healthy ecosystems.

Why do weeds spread more quickly than other plants?

Claiming near-surface root systems, perfecting many reproductive methods, preference for disturbed sites, and tolerance of environmental stress are reasons why weeds spread quicker than edible and ornamental plants. Weeds have the advantage in fast-growing roots, multiple reproductions (rhizomes, seeds, stolons), and survival in and under extreme, severe ambient conditions (cold, drought, flood, heat).

What is the relationship between an organism's range of tolerance and it's optimum conditions?

An organism's range of tolerance refers to the range of environmental conditions within which it can survive and function. The optimum conditions are the specific environmental conditions at which the organism thrives best. The range of tolerance indicates the flexibility an organism has in adapting to varying conditions, with the optimum conditions representing the most favorable environment for its growth and reproduction.

What does a tolerance curve indicate about an organism?

A tolerance curve shows the range of environmental conditions within which an organism can survive and thrive. It indicates the upper and lower limits of factors such as temperature, pH, or salinity that the organism can tolerate. Beyond these limits, the organism may experience stress, illness, or death.

What is the difference between tolerance and intolerance?

there is no difference

What is the difference between ideal range and range of tolerances?

Ideal range means the normal operating conditions, and range of tolerance means the extreme varied conditions in which operation can continue, without failure