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Natural cloning occurs when an organism reproduces asexually, producing genetically identical offspring. Artificial cloning, on the other hand, is the process of creating genetically identical copies of an organism by manipulating its DNA in a laboratory setting.

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Q: What is the difference between natural and artificial cloning?
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Artificial ecosystems are deliberately created by humans, such as urban parks or agricultural fields, while natural ecosystems develop without human intervention. Natural ecosystems are typically more diverse and stable, with complex interactions between organisms, while artificial ecosystems may be simpler and more prone to disruptions. Additionally, natural ecosystems are better at providing ecological services like clean water and air purification.

Can a human tell the difference between artificial and natural flavors?

Yes, some people may be able to distinguish between artificial and natural flavors based on taste and aroma. However, it can be challenging for the average person to consistently differentiate between the two types of flavors due to the complex compositions of many food products.

What is artificial cloning?

Artificial cloning is the process of creating genetically identical copies of an organism by replicating its DNA through various techniques such as somatic cell nuclear transfer or embryo splitting. This can be used in various applications such as research, agriculture, and medicine.

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Natural dentition refers to the teeth that a person develops in their mouth. Artificial dentition refers to prosthetic teeth that are implanted or attached to replace missing natural teeth. Artificial dentition can be made of materials like porcelain, metal, or acrylic.

Difference between artificial wood and natural wood?

the differences is that natural wood is cleaner and more smooth. the artificial wood is cheaper and not as pure as natural wood.

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The difference is the same as in other contexts.* "Artificial" means that something was created by humans. * "Natural" means that it was NOT created by humans.

What is the difference between natural food and artificial food?

natural has no added chemicals, colours etc.. artificial has, like sweetners, salts, colours etc..

What is the difference between natural and artificial regeneration of trees?

Natural regeneration refers to the process where trees regrow from natural seed dispersal and germination, without human intervention. Artificial regeneration involves deliberate planting of tree seedlings or direct seeding by humans to establish new tree populations. Both methods have different cost implications and success rates depending on the specific site conditions and tree species.