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When minerals (all sorts of rock) become so hot they glow red, and then get even hotter, they melt, just like ice melts to become water. This melted (or "molten", meaning it is still hot enough to be liquid, not hardened yet) rock has two names: if it is still deep underground, it is called "magma". When it comes out of the ground, or is very near the surface of the earth and might come out soon, people call it "lava."

So a "lava flow" is any stream or movement of molten rock, at or near the surface of the earth.

A volcano is a geologic structure formed by magma pushing up to the surface of the earth, like a planetary pimple, and then bursting out either as lava or some other pyroclastic form: if a volcano is created, grown, or changed by a gentle eruption, you'll see a lot more "lava flows". If the volcanic eruption is explosive, the explosion will not "flow" at all, but burst like a bomb. Google "Mt. St. Helens eruption" or "Krakatoa explosion" for more about that. After the initial explosions are over, there may be calmer flows of lava before the magma pressure equalizes and the volcano settles down again.

By the way, a classic volcano is a cone-shaped mountain with a magma vent running up the inside of it. "Lava flows" can erupt out of any part of that volcanic cone: the lava, just like water under pressure in a cracked container, will follow any cracks or weak places it finds, it won't always bubble up out of the very top. Volcanoes come in many shapes, forms and sizes; so do lava flows. The two main kinds of lava flows are "pahoehoe" (fast-flowing lava that cools in ropy and swirly textures, and tends to flow AROUND buildings and trees and poles) and "a'ah" (slow-flowing lava that creeps along in a tall rough wall, which cools in very rough textures more like bristly crushed glass, and tends to bulldoze OVER buildings and trees and poles). These words are Hawaiian. I have no idea why they became the regular English words for these kinds of lava, except that they sound pretty cool, and the Hawaiians know about and care about lava flows a lot more than most other English speaking folks. And British & American geologists went to Hawaii to study vulcanism and lava in the 1800s. When they asked "what the heck is that?" the person answering the question was most likely to be a Hawaiian or someone who lived on those islands, so they would give the most specific name they knew-- the Hawaiian name!

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3w ago

A volcano is the mountain or hill formed by accumulated magma, rock fragments, ash, and gases that erupt from a vent in the Earth's crust. Lava flow refers to the molten rock that flows out of a volcano during an eruption and can travel down the volcano's slopes or spread over surrounding areas. In summary, a volcano is the structure that allows for the eruption of magma and other materials, while lava flow is the actual molten rock released during an eruption.

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Q: What is the difference between lava flow and a volcano?
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Is there a difference between lava and lava flow?

Yes, there is a difference between lava and lava flow. Lava is the molten rock beneath the Earth's surface, while lava flow refers to the movement of lava as it travels down a volcano or hillside. Lava flow is the result of the eruption of molten rock, which can vary in speed and direction.

What is the difference between lava flow lava fountains and lava tubes?

A lava flow is basically a stream of lava on the surface. A lava tube is an underground cave through which lava flows downhill. A lava fountain is lava shooting into the air out of a volcano in much the same manner as a water fountain.

What is the difference between pyroclastic flows and lava flows?

Lava is molten rock at earth's surface. A pyroclastic flow is an avalanch-like flow of hot ash, rock, and gas that moves down a volcano's flanks at great speed.

Who tall is AA volcano?

A'a is not a kind of volcano. A'a is a texture that a lava flow can take on, characterized by a surface covered in sharp fragments. There is no particular height to the lava flow, or height of volcano from which such a flow erupts.

What can errupt to to bring lava flow to earts surface?


Related questions

Is there a difference between lava and lava flow?

Yes, there is a difference between lava and lava flow. Lava is the molten rock beneath the Earth's surface, while lava flow refers to the movement of lava as it travels down a volcano or hillside. Lava flow is the result of the eruption of molten rock, which can vary in speed and direction.

What is the difference between lava flow lava fountains and lava tubes?

A lava flow is basically a stream of lava on the surface. A lava tube is an underground cave through which lava flows downhill. A lava fountain is lava shooting into the air out of a volcano in much the same manner as a water fountain.

What are lava flows on a volcano?

A lava flow is where lava flows down the side of a volcano.

What is the difference between pyroclastic flows and lava flows?

Lava is molten rock at earth's surface. A pyroclastic flow is an avalanch-like flow of hot ash, rock, and gas that moves down a volcano's flanks at great speed.

What volcano has pyroclastic flow in addition to liquid lava?

the volcano that has pyroclastic flow in addition to liquid lava is the composite or stratovolcano.

What happens when the lava reaches the top of the volcano?

Lava at the top of a volcano will generally flow downhill.

Who tall is AA volcano?

A'a is not a kind of volcano. A'a is a texture that a lava flow can take on, characterized by a surface covered in sharp fragments. There is no particular height to the lava flow, or height of volcano from which such a flow erupts.

How does the shape of a volcano affect the flow of lava?


What can errupt to to bring lava flow to earts surface?


Which village was threatened by the 1983 lava flow?

The village threatened by the 1983 lava flow in Hawaii was Kalapana. It was eventually destroyed by the lava flow from the Kilauea Volcano.

What flow from volcano?

During a volcanic eruption, lava flows from the vent of the volcano, following paths of least resistance down the slopes. The speed and distance of the lava flow depend on various factors such as the type of lava, gradient of the slope, and presence of obstacles. Lava flows can cause destruction to surrounding areas and communities in the path of the flow.

Is Mt Erebus an active volcano?

Yes, Mt Erebus in Antarctica is an active volcano. It is the southernmost active volcano on Earth and is known for its persistent lava lake within its summit crater.