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Ideal gas law is the law which states that for a given quantity of gas, the product of the volume V and pressure P is proportional to the absolute temperature T, or PV = kT, where k is a constant.

And, kinetic theory of gas is the theory based on a simple description of a gas, from which many properties of gases can be derived.

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The ideal gas law is a macroscopic equation that describes the relationship between pressure, volume, temperature, and the amount of gas in a system, assuming ideal conditions. Kinetic theory, on the other hand, is a microscopic model that explains the properties of gases in terms of the motion of individual particles. While the ideal gas law provides a convenient way to relate macroscopic properties of gases, kinetic theory offers a more detailed understanding of the behavior of gas molecules at the microscopic level.

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Q: What is the difference between ideal gas law and kinetic theory?
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Which of these is included as a postulate in the kinetic-molecular theory of an ideal gas?

collision between molcules are elastic

What is the difference between the Ideal Gas Law and Kinetic Molecular Theory?

The Ideal Gas Law describes the behavior of ideal gases in terms of pressure, volume, temperature, and the number of gas particles. Kinetic Molecular Theory explains the behavior of gases in terms of the motion of gas particles and the interactions between them, helping to understand concepts such as temperature and pressure in relation to gas behavior.

Explain what is the difference between real gas molecules and ideal gas molecules by kinetic theory?

Real gas molecules have volume and experience intermolecular forces, while ideal gas molecules are treated as point particles with negligible volume and no intermolecular forces. In real gases, molecules have varying speeds and collision effects due to their volume and interactions, while ideal gases follow the assumptions of the kinetic theory perfectly due to their simplified behavior.

A gas that follows the kinetic molecular theory and gas laws exactly is known as a?

An ideal gas. Ideal gases are theoretical gases that perfectly follow the assumptions of the kinetic molecular theory and gas laws, such as having particles that are point masses and exhibit perfectly elastic collisions.

What gas doesn't behave according to the kinetic molecular theory?

Real gases do not always behave according to the kinetic molecular theory, especially at high pressures or low temperatures where intermolecular forces become significant. At these conditions, the volume of the gas particles themselves and the attractions between them become non-negligible, leading to deviations from ideal gas behavior.

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Which of these is included as a postulate in the kinetic-molecular theory of an ideal gas?

collision between molcules are elastic

What is the difference between the Ideal Gas Law and Kinetic Molecular Theory?

The Ideal Gas Law describes the behavior of ideal gases in terms of pressure, volume, temperature, and the number of gas particles. Kinetic Molecular Theory explains the behavior of gases in terms of the motion of gas particles and the interactions between them, helping to understand concepts such as temperature and pressure in relation to gas behavior.

Explain what is the difference between real gas molecules and ideal gas molecules by kinetic theory?

Real gas molecules have volume and experience intermolecular forces, while ideal gas molecules are treated as point particles with negligible volume and no intermolecular forces. In real gases, molecules have varying speeds and collision effects due to their volume and interactions, while ideal gases follow the assumptions of the kinetic theory perfectly due to their simplified behavior.

A gas that follows the kinetic molecular theory and gas laws exactly is known as a?

An ideal gas. Ideal gases are theoretical gases that perfectly follow the assumptions of the kinetic molecular theory and gas laws, such as having particles that are point masses and exhibit perfectly elastic collisions.

When is an ideal gas an imaginary gas?

An ideal gas is never an imaginary gas; it is a theoretical concept used to describe the behavior of real gases under certain ideal conditions, such as negligible volume of gas particles and no intermolecular forces. It is an approximation that helps simplify the study of gas behavior.

What is the imaginary gas that perfectly fits all the postulates of the kinetic molecular theory?

ideal gas

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The kinetic-molecular theory explains the behavior of?

The kinetic-molecular theory explains the behavior of gases by describing their particles as tiny, constantly moving objects that collide elastically with each other and the walls of their container. The theory helps to understand concepts such as pressure, temperature, and volume in relation to gas behavior.

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The ideal age difference should be between 4 and 7.

What is an imaginary gas that conforms perfectly to the kinetic molecular theory callled?

An imaginary gas that conforms perfectly to the kinetic molecular theory is called an ideal gas. Ideal gases have particles with no volume and no intermolecular forces between them, allowing them to perfectly follow the assumptions of the kinetic molecular theory.

What gas doesn't behave according to the kinetic molecular theory?

Real gases do not always behave according to the kinetic molecular theory, especially at high pressures or low temperatures where intermolecular forces become significant. At these conditions, the volume of the gas particles themselves and the attractions between them become non-negligible, leading to deviations from ideal gas behavior.

Kinetic molecular theory assumptions fail at high pressure?

At high pressure, the assumptions of kinetic molecular theory may no longer hold true as the molecules are squeezed close together and their interactions become significant. This can lead to deviations from the ideal gas behavior predicted by the theory, such as changes in volume and temperature. These deviations are more pronounced for real gases than ideal gases under high pressure conditions.