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A crater can also be called a vent, and it is the funnel shaped opening at the top of a volcano which allows magma to escape as lava. The magma chamber is the hollow deep within the volcano which is supposedly linked to the core of the planet, bringing up molten rock from the middle of earth to be taken up the vent tube of the volcano to be released to the air.

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1mo ago

A crater is the bowl-shaped depression at the summit of a volcano, formed by the explosion or collapse of the volcano's summit. A magma chamber is a large underground reservoir of molten rock beneath a volcano, where magma accumulates before erupting onto the Earth's surface.

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Q: What is the difference between crater and magma chamber?
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The order of parts through which magma out of volcano onto the surface?

The order of parts through which magma reaches the surface of a volcano is the magma chamber where it accumulates, followed by the central vent or conduit where it travels upwards, and finally the crater or vent at the surface where it erupts and flows out as lava.

What is an opening that leads from the crater of a volcano down to pools of magma?

A volcanic vent or conduit is an opening that leads from the crater of a volcano down to pools of magma below the surface. This conduit allows magma to travel from the magma chamber to the surface during an eruption.

What is the difference between magma and magma chamber?

Magma is molten rock beneath the Earth's surface, while a magma chamber is a reservoir where magma is stored before it rises to the surface as lava. Essentially, magma is the molten rock itself, while a magma chamber is the space within the Earth where magma is stored.

When magma re-enters a magma chamber causing the floor of the caldera or crater to lift the resulting structure is called a?

Resurgent dome is the term used to describe a structure that forms when magma re-enters a magma chamber, causing the floor of the caldera or crater to lift. This uplift creates a dome-shaped structure within the caldera.

The three main parts of a volcano are?

The three main parts of a volcano are the magma chamber where molten rock is stored beneath the surface, the vent where lava erupts to the surface, and the crater which is the bowl-shaped depression at the top of the volcano.

Related questions

What connects pools of magma to crater?

A vent tube connects the magma chamber to the vent or crater of the volcano, hence allowing the magma to be released from the volcano and become lava.

What does volcanoes have?

volcanoes have a crater,lava tube, magma chamber and poisonous gasses

The order of parts through which magma out of volcano onto the surface?

The order of parts through which magma reaches the surface of a volcano is the magma chamber where it accumulates, followed by the central vent or conduit where it travels upwards, and finally the crater or vent at the surface where it erupts and flows out as lava.

What is it called that connects pool of magma to the crater?

Magma usually refers to molten rock when it is still underground, and a crater is a cup shaped depression in the surface whether in a volcano or not. If a crater were full of molten rock we'd call it lava. It might be fed by a magma pool below the surface.

What is the difference between a crater and a caldera?

A caldera is a large depression formed at the summit of a volcano, left behind by the excavation of magma. A crater is formed by an explosion or impact.

What is an opening that leads from the crater of a volcano down to pools of magma?

A volcanic vent or conduit is an opening that leads from the crater of a volcano down to pools of magma below the surface. This conduit allows magma to travel from the magma chamber to the surface during an eruption.

What is the difference between magma and magma chamber?

Magma is molten rock beneath the Earth's surface, while a magma chamber is a reservoir where magma is stored before it rises to the surface as lava. Essentially, magma is the molten rock itself, while a magma chamber is the space within the Earth where magma is stored.

When magma re-enters a magma chamber causing the floor of the caldera or crater to lift the resulting structure is called a?

Resurgent dome is the term used to describe a structure that forms when magma re-enters a magma chamber, causing the floor of the caldera or crater to lift. This uplift creates a dome-shaped structure within the caldera.

The three main parts of a volcano are?

The three main parts of a volcano are the magma chamber where molten rock is stored beneath the surface, the vent where lava erupts to the surface, and the crater which is the bowl-shaped depression at the top of the volcano.

A circular depression that forms when a magma chamber empties and causes the ground to sink?

A circular depression that forms when a magma chamber empties is called a caldera. It is a large volcanic crater made from the collapse of a volcano's mouth.

Is a crater pipe the same as a vent?

No, a crater pipe and a vent are not the same. A crater pipe is a conduit that connects a magma chamber to the surface, allowing magma to erupt onto the surface. A vent is the opening at the surface through which volcanic material is erupted.

What type of volcanic event occurs when a large amount of water comes in contact with a magma chamber?

a crater lake forms