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Convergency is the angular difference between two meridians at a stated latitude and closing angle is the angular correction required to reach the desired point after getting drifted off track. The total correction would be drift angle plus closing angle. Whereas, the Convergency = Dlong x sin mean latitude.

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Convergency refers to the tendency of lines or paths to come together or intersect at a point. Closing angle, on the other hand, refers to the angle between two lines or paths as they approach each other. In essence, convergency describes the overall trend of lines converging, while closing angle specifically quantifies the angle between two converging lines.

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The angle of difference between the geographic and magnetic poles is called the declination How does the declination change as you move north from where you live?

The angle between the geographic and magnetic poles extends more towards the east, as you move to the north. The magnetic pole is actually near Greenland.

How do you calculate the true bearing?

To calculate the true bearing between two points, you need to determine the angle between the north direction and the line connecting the two points. This can be done using trigonometry, where you calculate the difference in longitude and latitude between the points, and then use the arctan function to find the angle.

Difference between thrust and reverse fault?

There is a slight difference. A thrust fault is a variety of reverse fault with a dip angle of less than 45 degrees.

A tide with the least distance between low and high tides is called a(n) tide.?

A tide with the smallest difference between low and high tides is called a neap tide. It occurs when the Sun, Earth, and Moon are aligned such that the angle of the Sun and Earth is 90 degrees with respect to the angle of the Earth and the Moon. This is because the gravitational attraction of the Sun and Moon tend to cancel each other out at that angle.

What is the tied called that has the smallest difference between low and high tides?

A neap tide has the smallest difference between low and high tides. This occurs when the sun, moon, and Earth form a right angle, resulting in weaker gravitational forces.

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