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There are two major differences between "center of gravity" and "center of mass":

1) The term "center of gravity" aplies to the bodies with mass and weight, while the term "centroid" applies to plan areas.

2) Center of gravity of a body is the point through which the resultant gravitational force (weight) of the body acts for any orientation of the body while centroid is the point in a plane area such that the moment of the area, about any axis, through that point is zero.

Center of gravity is the point at which a object can be suspended and be in perfect equilibrium

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2mo ago

The geometric center is based on the shape and dimensions of an object, while the center of mass takes into account both the shape and distribution of mass within the object. The center of mass is also the point where an object's weight is considered to act.

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12y ago

Center of Mass is dependent on the distribution of the weight throughout the body; Whereas Geometric center is independent of the mass of the body and is the central point of the system based on its geometry (shape and size).

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Where is the center of mass of earth?

The center of mass of Earth is located at a point close to its geometric center but shifted slightly towards the side where the heavier mass concentration is. This point is crucial for various calculations in physics and astronomy.

What is the name of the center of the solar system?

The center of the solar system is called the Sun. It is a star located at the heart of the system, around which all the planets, including Earth, revolve.

Center of mass of Earth's atmosphere?

The center of mass of Earth's atmosphere is approximately the same as the center of mass of the Earth itself. This is because the atmosphere is a relatively thin layer compared to the size of the Earth, and its mass is distributed around the planet in a way that does not significantly shift the center of mass.

What is the difference between a person's weight on the earth and on the moon?

The difference between a person's weight on the earth and on the moon has to due with the difference between mass and weight. Mass is a measure of the amount of matter and weight is the pull of gravity on that mass. Gravity on the moon is about 83% that on earth, so if you weigh 100 lbs on earth, you will weigh approximately 17 lbs on the moon.

What is the force that pulls an object to the center of the earth?

The force that pulls an object towards the center of the Earth is gravity. This force is proportional to the mass of the object and the mass of the Earth, as well as the distance between them.

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Where is center of mass of a sphere?

The center of mass of a sphere is its geometric center.

Where is the center of mass of a ball?

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What is the difference between center of mass and centroid?

Let say you have a pie with one half full of iron and the other half full of cranberries. The geometric centroid will be the center of the circle since it is the middle of the geometric form The center of mass is the exact point where you need to put your finger to hold in equilibrium the plate. It will necessarily be on the iron stuffed side since iron is heavier than cranberries thus moving the center of mass towards iron.

What is the distance from the center of earth to its center of mass?

The geometric center and the center of mass of the Earth are essentially the same point.

What is the center of mass of an equilateral triangle?

Center of mass of an equilateral triangle is located at its geometric center (centroid).

What is the main difference between center of mass and center of gravity?

The main difference is that center of mass refers to the average location of mass distribution in an object, while center of gravity refers to the point where the force of gravity can be considered to act on an object. In a uniform gravitational field, the center of mass and center of gravity coincide.

What is the center of mass of a solid cylinder?

The center of mass of a solid cylinder is at its geometric center, which is the midpoint of its axis. This point represents the balance point of the cylinder, where its mass is evenly distributed in all directions.

Where is the center of mass of earth?

The center of mass of Earth is located at a point close to its geometric center but shifted slightly towards the side where the heavier mass concentration is. This point is crucial for various calculations in physics and astronomy.

What is the center mass of a beach ball?

The center of mass of a beach ball, or any object, is the point at which the object can be balanced without any rotation. In the case of a symmetrical beach ball, the center of mass would be at the geometric center of the ball where all dimensions converge.

What is center of gravity of earth?

The center of gravity of Earth is located at its geometric center, which is roughly at the Earth's core. This point serves as the balance point for Earth's mass, where the gravitational forces from all parts of the planet cancel each other out.

Where is the center of mass of earths atmosphere?

The center of mass of Earth's atmosphere is located close to Earth's geometric center, but it can be slightly influenced by atmospheric circulation patterns and mass distribution. Overall, it is within the region of Earth's core, beneath the crust and atmosphere.

Difference between center of mass and center of gravity?

The center of mass is a geometrical measurement not considering the weight distribution. The center of gravity is one location on a particular mass structure where the distribution of weight is the same no matter the direction of the measurement as it pertains to that one particular mass structure.