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Passive transport is a form of transport that does not require an input of energy. Examples include diffusion, osmosis and facilitated diffusion. On the other hand, active transport is a form of transport that requires an input of energy in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This energy is required for processes such as moving molecules against the concentration gradient.

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Q: What is the difference between active transport and passive transport mean?
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The difference between active transport and passive transport is?

Active transport requires energy; passive transport does not.

What is differs between active transport and passive transport?

Active transport requires energy; passive transport does not.

What is the dif frence between active and passive transport?

Active transport requires energy, passive transport does not.

What is the differnce between active and passive transport?

passive doesn't neeed energy but active transport does

What is the main difference between active trasport and passive transport?

The main difference is that active transport requires energy input from the cell to move molecules against their concentration gradient, while passive transport does not require energy and relies on the concentration gradient to move molecules across the cell membrane.

What is the defference between active transpors and passive transport?

Active transport requires energy input to move molecules against their concentration gradient, while passive transport moves molecules along their concentration gradient without energy input. Active transport is typically carried out by transport proteins, such as pumps, while passive transport can occur through simple diffusion or facilitated diffusion.

What is difference between active transport and passive transport?

One difference is energy consumption. Active transport requires the cell to expend energy, while passive transport does not. Active transport is movement from a lower concentration to a higher concentration and passive transport is movement from a higher concentration to a lower concentration. Active transport is the movement of molecules across a membrane requiring energy to be expended by the cell. Passive transport is diffusion across a membrane requiring only random motion of molecules with no energy expanded by the cell. Active transport requires ATP to transport materials. Passive transport does not require ATP input to transport materials. Ex: diffusion

What id the difference between active and passive transport?

Active transport requires energy to move molecules against their concentration gradient while passive transport does not require energy and moves molecules from high to low concentration. Active transport is selective and can transport specific molecules, while passive transport is nonselective and moves molecules based on their concentration gradient.

What is the difference between passive and active transport across the plasma membrane?

Active transport is ATP dependent, whereas passive transport uses only the kinetic energy of the particles for movement across the plasma membrane- mastering A and P homework-

What is difference between active and passive?

Active transport requires an input of energy and can move substabces against their concentration gradient. Passive transport does not require added energy and can move substances only down their concentration gradient.

The different between passive transport and active transport?

Active transport requires energy; passive transport does not.

What energy is required for passive transport?

By definition, passive transport on a cellular level requires no energy other than some sort of gradient, whether of the molecule in question, or another whose movement across the membrane can be linked to the one of interest.