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A fissure can mean a split in the geological structure of the earth or any opening in the body.

A foramen is an opening that can connect the bodily systems together. Foramen does not pertain to geological structures but just biological things.

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2mo ago

A fissure is a long, narrow opening or crack in a bone or organ, while a foramen is a hole or opening in a bone that allows nerves, blood vessels, or ligaments to pass through. Fissures are generally bigger and more irregular in shape compared to foramina.

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Q: What is the difference between a fissure and a foramen?
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What is rounded opening through a bone?

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Fissure does not belong. The other three words are all bone markings.

What is the difference between foramen and fossa?

Foramen: Any opening Fossa: A depression, eg. the base of skull that cradles occipital lobe

What is the difference between the male and female obturator foramen?

The male obturator foramen is a more oval-shaped opening while the female obturator foramen is more rounded or triangular. Additionally, the female obturator foramen is typically larger in size compared to the male obturator foramen.

The major anatomical difference between hominids and the apes is that the foramen magnum is what in hominds?

located at the bottom of the skull

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The obturator foramen is the opening located between the pubic and ischial rami of the pelvis. It is partially covered by the obturator membrane and serves as a passageway for the obturator nerve and vessels.

What is the difference between a fissure and a sulcus?

A fissure is a deep groove or cleft, while a sulcus is a shallower groove. Fissures are usually larger and more prominent than sulci. In the brain, fissures are deeper grooves that divide the brain into lobes, while sulci are smaller grooves found within the lobes.

What do you call crack between rocks?

A fissure.

The jugular foramen lies between which bones?

The jugular foramen lies between the temporal bone and the occipital bone in the skull. It allows passage for structures such as the internal jugular vein, glossopharyngeal nerve, vagus nerve, and accessory nerve.

What is the largest foramen in the body?

The obturator foramen is the largest foramen in the human body.

The major anatomical difference between hominids and the apes is that the foramen magnum of hominids is?

located at the base of the skull, which allows for an upright bipedal posture, while in apes, it is located further back on the skull, suited for a quadrupedal posture.