The dictionary definition of geologist is a specialist in geology
The definition of abbreviation prno is stands attic. This is also an acronym for point of view. This is the definition according to a dictionary. Using the dictionary you will get an overall better definition for any word or abbreviation.
Yes, denotation refers to the literal or primary meaning of a word found in the dictionary. It is the explicit definition of a term, stripped of any connotations or additional meanings that the word may have in different contexts.
The dictionary definition of phenomenon is: "a fact or situation that is observed to exist or happen, especially one whose cause or explanation is in question."
The dictionary definition of the word, genuine is possessing the claimed or attributed character, quality, or origin; not counterfeit. In other words, it means that something is real or authentic.
The dictionary's definition of the word acquired is to buy or obtain, an object or asset, for oneself. It can also mean when one learns a skill or habit over a period of time.
type geologist into and there should be one there, or just look in a dictionary.
The dictionary definition of a word
The definition of destitute can be found in the Webster dictionary, The Free Dictionary, Dictionary Reference, MacMillan Dictionary, and Thought Catalog.
Yes they are true in a Dictionary.
~dictionary entries are the things you put in a dictionary (the words). =)
I No?
The connotation of a word is its literal dictionary definition. The denotation of a word is its inferred meaning.
The dictionary definition of hustling is to move something quickly, often in a jarring way.
According to the Urban Dictionary, the definition of the term "check it" is to look at this or listen to this. You can find the definition of more slang words and terms online at the Urban Dictionary website.
The word "dictionary" means: A book with many words, which are listed in alphabetical order, and their definitions. If you do not have an actual dictionary, you can go to free dictionaries on google, or define (word you want to define) on google.
The urban dictionary does not have a definition 'yet'. Do you have one?