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A small object produced by a plant from which a new plant can grow

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Q: What is the definition of the seed?
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What is the definition of a seed leaf?

A cotyledon.

What is the definition of seed coat?

A hard shell around a seed, properly known as 'aril'

What is definition of mili?

It means "millet seed" in Latin.

What is the definition of cotyledon?

The primary or seed leaf in the embryo of plants.

What is the definition of disperse?

Disperse is defined as the transfer of a seed or fruit from the parent plant to other places where the seed may germinate.

What is the definition of bad seed?

A bad seed means that a person is a bad influence for others. A bad seed has the intention of doing wrong things and having bad behavior.

What is the definition of development of a seed to a new plant?

Look up Germination

What is the definition of the word boll?

A rounded seed capsule of plants such as cotton.

What is th definition of brassica rapa?

A brassica rapa seed is a fast growing plant. Cultivated mainly for rape seed oil.

What is the definition of cotoyledon?

A cotoyledon is is a significant part of the embryo within the seed of a plant.

What is a pickles seeds called?

A pickle is technically a pickled cucumber. A seed, pickle or not, is usually just called a seed. By definition though, it is a plant embryo.

What is the definition of a flowerinig plant?

it is when the seed from a flowering plant reproduces another flowering plant.