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is an adjective that means having an essential or important meaning relative to a standard or norm.

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4mo ago

Significant means important, notable, or meaningful. It usually refers to something that has a significant impact or influence.

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10y ago

The definition of significance is something that has importance or is worthy of attention. Significance is also defined as the meaning that is found in events or words.

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Meaning of significant?

The official definition of the word significant is "sufficiently great or important to be worthy of attention; noteworthy."

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It means to have reached a significant point in an endeavour.

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8 By definition, all the figures are significant (no rounding off appears to have taken place). There are eight significant figures.

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Harm that just stops short of killing you.

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What is the correct definition of significant figures?

accurate number which is more than '0'.

What is the definition of the word observe?

Notice or perceive (something) and register it as being significant.

4.832 has 4 significant digits as a result of which rule?

As a result of the rule that you use the definition of the term - such as significant digits - when finding them for a number.

What is the definition of SQL training?

The definition of SQL training is learning how to code in JAVA and PERL, which are two rather important coding languages in computer science and are significant.

WHO definition of Significant Lymphadenopathy?

swelling or enlargement of a particular lymph node, draining that particular organ or area.

What is the definition of initial observation?

Initial observation means the first time you perceive something and register it as significant.

Is 01 is two digit number?

Yes, it is by definition a 2 digit number. (At degree level anyway, however at secondary schools you may be taught differently. It depends on what definition your teacher uses). However if you're referring to "significant digits", it has only one significant digit (the 1).