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Biological systems are open systems, not closed systems. Open systems require the input of energy to run and produce certain products such as materials used for cellular building, building blocks of the human body, and of course heat. No biological system can be totally closed, considering that they all get energy directly (in the case of plants) or indirectly (in the case of herbivores and eventually carnivores as you move up the food chain).

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An open system in thermodynamics refers to a system that can exchange both matter and energy with its surroundings. This means that substances can enter or leave the system, and heat and work can be transferred across the system boundaries. These systems are characterized by an open exchange with the environment.

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11y ago

An open system is a SYSTEM which continuously interacts with its environment. The interaction can take the form of information, energy, or material transfers into or out of the system boundary.

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Q: What is the definition of open system in thermodynamics?
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Is photosynthesis a closed or an opened system in thermodynamics?

Photosynthesis is an open system in thermodynamics because it exchanges both energy and matter with its surroundings. It requires sunlight and carbon dioxide from the environment to produce glucose and oxygen.

What is the first law of thermodynamics applied to closed and open system showing the meaning of the positive and negative sign of heat and work?

The first law of thermodynamics states that the change in internal energy of a system is equal to the heat added to the system minus the work done by the system. For a closed system, heat added to the system is positive if it is absorbed by the system, and negative if it is released by the system. Work done by the system is positive if the system does work on its surroundings, and negative if work is done on the system. For an open system, the same principles apply but heat and work may also account for changes in the system's mass flow.

Can you use thermodynamic in a sentence?

The laws of thermodynamics govern energy transfer and transformation within a system, providing a framework to understand the behavior of matter and energy under different conditions.

What is Definition of Delta T in thermodynamics?

Delta T in thermodynamics refers to the change in temperature between two states or points in a system. It is calculated by subtracting the initial temperature from the final temperature. Delta T is an essential parameter for determining heat transfer and energy exchange in thermodynamic processes.

Is the study of thermodynamics concerned primarily with microscopic or macroscopic processes?

Thermodynamics is primarily concerned with macroscopic processes, such as heat and work interactions at the system level. While thermodynamics does build upon concepts from statistical mechanics for a microscopic understanding, its main focus is on the overall behavior of systems rather than individual particles.

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What is mean by CV in thermodynamics?

CV Stands for Control Volume Only in Thermodynamics and it is a fixed region in a open systems. The region of space enclosed by The open system boundaries is called Control Volume.

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A flying bird is an open system according to thermodynamics because it exchanges matter and energy with its surroundings. It consumes food for energy, excretes waste, and exchanges heat with the environment while flying.

What is difference between open system and closed system in thermodynamics?

A system which can exchange mass as well as matter with the surroundings is called anopen system.Example:- Heating of CaCo3 in an open bulb.A system which can exchange energy but not matter is called a closed system.Example:- Calcination of CaCo3 in a sealed bulb.

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L. Peusner has written: 'The principles of network thermodynamics' -- subject(s): Biophysics, Linear systems, System analysis, Thermodynamics 'Concepts in bioenergetics' -- subject(s): Bioenergetics, Biophysics, Thermodynamics 'Studies in network thermodynamics' -- subject(s): System analysis, Thermodynamics

What is an open loop in control systems?

A: By definition there is no control on a system in an open loop situation. simply . it has no feedback

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Theory of evolution Vs Law of Thermo Dynamics?

The theory of evolution does not vs the law of thermodynamics. They are quite compatible since the earth is an open system.

What is definition of open system?

An open system is a system which can be affected by external factors. Energy of the system can be altered, total momentum, charge, etc. In a closed system, energy, mass, momentum, charge and other properties are conserved.

What is control surface in terms of thermodynamics?

In thermodynamics, a control surface is a boundary that separates a system from its surroundings, through which mass and energy can flow. It is usually represented as a closed surface surrounding a system of interest, and is used to analyze the transfer of heat, work, and mass across the system boundaries. Control surfaces help in defining the boundaries of a system for thermodynamic analysis and calculations.

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According to the second law of thermodynamics does entropy increase in a cold system?

Yes, according to the second law of thermodynamics, entropy tends to increase in a closed system. In a cold system, if the temperature is below the surroundings, the heat can flow from the surroundings to the system, increasing the system's entropy.