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One of the 5 main kingdoms, includes bacteria and blue/green algae. Does NOT have a cell membrane, or in other words, is made of prokaryotic cells. Actually Monera encompasses eubacteria and archbacteria. And prokaryotes DO have a cell membrane. What they do not have is a membrane bound nucleaus.

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1mo ago

Monera is a now obsolete biological kingdom that included unicellular organisms lacking a nucleus (prokaryotes). It encompassed bacteria and archaea. This classification system has been replaced by the domains Bacteria and Archaea in modern taxonomy.

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Mammal and lays eggs by tk

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Could you ever find a multicellular species of Monera?

No, they are by definition one celled.

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Is cyanobacteria monera or protists?

Cyanobacteria is classified as monera, specifically within the kingdom Monera. They are prokaryotic organisms, lacking a true nucleus, and are commonly referred to as blue-green algae.

Organisms in the kingdoms Eubacteria and Archaebacteria were previously grouped in a kingdom called?

Monera Kingdom

What is it that all organisms in the Monera kingdom are missing?

All organisms in the Monera kingdom lack a true nucleus and membrane-bound organelles, such as mitochondria and chloroplasts. They are prokaryotic, meaning their genetic material floats freely in the cell in a region called the nucleoid.

What has Monera?

monera is part of the kingdoms i think it is unicellur and prokaryotic

What makes a protist different from a monera?

protists have a nucleus and monera don't

Is monera the name of a biological kingdom?

is the monera the name of biological kingdom

Which kingdom was replaced with 2 domains?


What kingdon does a bacteria fit in?

It falls into the kingdom, prokaryotic (monera)It falls into the kingdom, prokaryotic (monera)It falls into the kingdom, prokaryotic (monera)It falls into the kingdom, prokaryotic (monera)It falls into the kingdom, prokaryotic (monera)It falls into the kingdom, prokaryotic (monera)

Does monera reproduce sexually?

monera reproduce asexually with the help of binary fission

What is the genetic variablity for monera and protista?

yes Monera and protists is a living organism