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The scientific method is a scientist way to learn about and study the world around them

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Q: What is the definition for the Scientic Method?
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scientic method

How can scientic theories change?

There is no such thing as a "scientic theory".

Why do you have the scientific method?

that's what scientic use to help them experiment things if we didnt have scientific method we would not have medcian or pills any thing like that like deises they have shots that can cure it

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What are the scientic method?

ask a question state your hypothesis identify and control variables test your hypothesis collect and record your data interpret your data state your conclusion go further

How did Descartes help to shape the scientific method?

He had the idea that it is through rational thought (not experience) that we gain knowledge. So he thought people should question scientic hypotheseis using deductive reasoning to help achieve more clarity in the scientific method. (His ideas are in the book "Discourse on Method")

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What is the short definition of the scientific method?

the scientific method is the asking of.Question, ther