Coal is a dark mineral that is commonly used as a fuel source. It is formed from the remains of plants that have been compacted and heated over millions of years. Coal can be burned to produce heat and electricity.
Graphite is a mineral that is dark gray and has a hardness of one on the Mohs scale.
Yes, the word 'coal' is a noun, a word for a form of the mineral carbon that is broken into pieces suitable for use as fuel; a word for a thing.
Dark Colour, Clay mineral composition (Kaolanite), Laminations of minerals
I can help you! So first determine whether the mineral is light or dark. If it is light' you can use a chalkboard slate or even another darker mineral. You rub the mineral on the other solid and see if it leaves a mark If it is dark you simply do the same rubbing but use a light mineral. :)
they use coal and carbon and petrol :')
I think that might be obvious the dark side use the elements of the force but use it in a evil dark way. They get their ideas from death,destruction, and despair.
Oil is the most-known mineral fuel.
Graphite is a mineral that is dark gray and has a hardness of one on the Mohs scale.
the mineral is chrysocolla
The mineral that fits these descriptions is obsidian. Obsidian is a natural volcanic glass that can scratch glass, has a nonmetallic luster, typically exhibits conchoidal fracture, and is usually a dark color, such as black, dark green, or dark brown.
The word that rhymes with "role" and means black burnable mineral is "coal." Coal is a combustible black or dark brown rock consisting mainly of carbonized plant matter, found mainly in underground deposits and widely used as fuel.