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It is a stem that 'creeps' along the ground... Basically it reaches out from the roots and stretch outwards along grounds and grow leaves. The function is to gain a larger exposed surface area for the plant to photosynthesize more!

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Q: What is the creepin stem of a grass plant?
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The creeping stem of a grass plant

What is a creeping stem of a grass plant that grows above ground?

A creeping stem of a grass plant that grows above ground is called a stolon. Stolons help the plant spread horizontally by producing new roots and shoots at nodes along the stem. They enable the grass plant to form new individual plants connected to the parent plant.

Does cow grass have weak stems?

Any grass plant would have weak stems because they are not woody. However, "cow grass" does not exist rendering this question moot.

What part of the plant does bamboo come from?

Bamboo comes from the stem of the bamboo plant, which is technically a type of grass. The stem is hollow and segmented, giving bamboo its distinctive appearance and strength.

What plant lives in the grasslands?

Various grass species make up the majority of plant life in the grasslands. Some common species are Little Blue Stem, Big Blue Stem, Blue Grama and Buffalo Grass.

Is a bamboo a soft stem plant?

actually a bamboo has a pretty hard stem but if you compare it to an oak tree then i guess u could consider it softer. therefore, i THINK it is a soft stem plant =S

What is Creepin by Eric Church about?

Creepin' is about a guy who refers to his ex-lover's memory as creepin'.

What is Eric churches creepin video about?

Creepin' by Eric Church is about a man who refers to his ex-lover's presence as creepin.

What part of a sugar cane plant do you eat?

Sugar cane is a grass the sugary sap comes from the stem of the plant, from which the strap like leaves sprout. The stem is about 2 meters long an 5 cm in diameter.

What has the largest stem in the plant world?

Possibly bamboo. Bamboo can grow 6 to 8 inches in diameter, but bamboo is considered to be a grass, and each bamboo log a "stem".

Is tapioca a woody stem plant or a soft stem plant?

it is a woody stem plant

What is the function of a plant's stem?

The plant stem has two functions. The plant stem supports the leaves and flowers. The plant stem also transports water and food to the plant.