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Q: What is the correct way to say you are as beautiful on the inside as the outside or you are as beautiful on the outside as the inside?
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Is it correct to say you are beautiful inside out?

The common expression is "beautiful inside andout", meaning you are beautiful inside (referring to your character and being a good person) as well as having a beautiful (outward) appearance. "Inside out" means to turn something, like an article of clothing, so that the inside is now on the outside. A person who is turned inside out would not be a thing of beauty.

Which is correct to say life is beautiful and so ARE YOU or life is beautiful and so YOU ARE?

Te correct way to say is 'life is beautiful and so YOU ARE' and not 'life is beautiful and so ARE YOU'.

How do you say You are beautiful inside and out?

This is you are beautiful inside and out אתה יפה מבפנים ומבחוץ

What make people beautiful?

As the saying goes beauty is in the eye of the beholder.If you see beauty in someone then they are beautiful, regardless of what anyone else might say, including the person in question.If you do not see beauty in someone, it is usually because of something not beautiful in yourself. Answer Their personality, character, their heart, etc. To me, the beauty that's on the inside is what makes the outside beautiful. I don't care how "good looking" someone may be on the outside, if they don't have the beauty within themselves, the outside is nothing. The inside is what is important in my opinion. The beautiful inside shines through to the outside. And...that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Why Do People Don't Feel Beautiful Inside?

were am driving at right now is that in some cases it depends on why you don't feel beautiful inside some of them is because they think that they are not beautiful outside so theres no need wotsoever to feel beautiful inside some of them it might because their boyfriends said some nasty words so they start asking themselves questions why did he say that or am i not that beautiful for him that's when it starts and they start looking down on themselves and theres nothing you can do to convice dem. for me i say beauty don't come from the outside it comes from the inside cuz for me beauty inside is your character n so on so this were am parkin at

Does a guy like you if he says you have a beautiful soul?

wow he said you have a beautiful soul. thats so sweet. especially bc it seems hes looking to the inside of you not the outside. i say keeper and he likes u just guessing

How do you get your grandma to take you outside?

Tell your grandma it's a beautiful day and also say that the weather is as beautiful as flowers

What is the correct outside from Jesus or outside of Jesus?

"Outside of Jesus" is the correct way to say it.For example: There is no hope for fallen mankind Outside of Jesus."Outside from Jesus" does not work."Apart from Jesus" would be correct as well.For example: Apart from Jesus, there is no hope for mankind.

How do you say - beautiful inside and out - in Spanish?

persona beya

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Is it correct to say it is snow?

Not sure what you are asking but if it is snowing outside then yes you can say it is snow.

Is it correct grammar to say is it thundering outside?

Yes, "Is it thundering outside?" is correct grammar. It is a question asking about the weather conditions.