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stand back and advise the teacher of the spill

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Q: What is the correct procedure for students to follow if a chemical is spilled?
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How do you spell residue?

That is the correct spelling of the word "residue" (remaining, as of a spilled material).

Is chemical cleaning necessary for all spilled materials?

No, chemical cleaning is not necessary for all spilled materials. The appropriate cleaning method depends on the type of material that was spilled. In some cases, simple methods like using water or absorbent materials may be sufficient for cleaning up spills.

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In your letter It would be correct to say, "In your letter you mentioned that..." or "I spilled coffee on your letter."

If a chemical is spilled on the floor of the lab what is the safest way to determine if it is an acid?

Use litmus paper

What will you do when a chemical spilled on your skin?

Most common advise: start with immediate rinsing (with water of coarse)

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If the water is undisturbed( no chemical wastes have been spilled ) it varies from 6.5 - 8.5

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- They Leaked At Least 500 Liters

What does chemical spills mean?

Chemical spills mean that an agent that is scientifically laded with liquids of a chemical nature has been spilled. The term chemical spills means is similar to the oil spill that was credited to BP. Chemical spills can be an danger to the environment and to nature.

Which chemical would make a hole in your clothes if spilled?

Chlorine bleach is a common household chemical that can cause holes in clothes if spilled. It is a strong oxidizing agent that can break down the fibers in fabrics upon contact. It is important to handle and store bleach carefully to avoid damaging clothing.

What is a sentence for laboratories?

I like going to the laboratories because if you go there you can learn about experiments.

Is spilled gasoline drying a chemical or physical change?

The spilled gasoline drying is a physical change because the process involves a change in state (from liquid to gas) without any new substances being formed.

What do you use when acid is spilled on your skin?

If acid is spilled on your skin, you should immediately rinse the affected area with large amounts of water for at least 15 minutes. Do not neutralize the acid with a base as this can cause a chemical reaction. Seek medical attention if necessary.