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The flow of information across nerve cells is called a nerve impulse in which the axons of the cell must depolarize, repolarize and go through a refractory period before reaching the resting potential. At this point, another impulse can occur.

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Q: What is the correct order that information passes through in a neuron?
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State the three main parts of a neuron and describe how an impulse travels through a neuron?

The three main parts of a neuron are the cell body, dendrites, and axon. An impulse travels through a neuron when it is first received by the dendrites, then transmitted through the cell body, and finally travels down the axon to reach the next neuron or target cell.

How does information pass from one neuron to another?

Information passes from one neuron to another through a process called synaptic transmission. When an action potential reaches the end of one neuron, it triggers the release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic gap. These neurotransmitters bind to receptors on the neighboring neuron, leading to the generation of a new action potential in the receiving neuron.

What is the space through which a nerve impulse passes from one nerve cell to another called?

The space through which a nerve impulse passes from one nerve cell to another is called a synapse. It is a small gap between neurons where neurotransmitters are released to transmit signals between the cells.

What is the name of a neuron that transmits neural impulse from the sensory neuron to the motor neuron?

A relay neurone passes impulses from a sensory neurone to a motor neurone.

Equator Prime Meridian the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic Capercorn pass through which continent?

The Equator passes through South America, Africa, and Indonesia. The Prime Meridian passes through Europe and Africa. The Tropic of Cancer passes through North America, Africa, and Asia. The Tropic of Capricorn passes through Australia, South America, and Africa.

Related questions

State the three main parts of a neuron and describe how an impulse travels through a neuron?

The three main parts of a neuron are the cell body, dendrites, and axon. An impulse travels through a neuron when it is first received by the dendrites, then transmitted through the cell body, and finally travels down the axon to reach the next neuron or target cell.

What is the flow of information in a spinal reflex arc in the correct order?

The flow of information in a spinal reflex arc occurs in the following order: sensory receptor detects a stimulus, sensory neuron carries the information to the spinal cord, interneuron processes the information in the spinal cord, motor neuron transmits the response to the effector (muscle or gland), and the effector produces a response.

How does information pass from one neuron to another?

Information passes from one neuron to another through a process called synaptic transmission. When an action potential reaches the end of one neuron, it triggers the release of neurotransmitters into the synaptic gap. These neurotransmitters bind to receptors on the neighboring neuron, leading to the generation of a new action potential in the receiving neuron.

What is an axon-terminal?

An axon terminal is the structure of a neuron (a single cell of the central or peripheral nervous system) at the end of it's axon that forms a synapse with another neuron. Generally, the axon terminal is the point at which a neuron passes information to the neurons with which it is connected.

What is axon terminals?

An axon terminal is the structure of a neuron (a single cell of the central or peripheral nervous system) at the end of it's axon that forms a synapse with another neuron. Generally, the axon terminal is the point at which a neuron passes information to the neurons with which it is connected.

What is an axon termin?

An axon terminal is the structure of a neuron (a single cell of the central or peripheral nervous system) at the end of it's axon that forms a synapse with another neuron. Generally, the axon terminal is the point at which a neuron passes information to the neurons with which it is connected.

What is the correct sequence for structures that light passes through?

The correct sequence for structures that light passes through in the eye is cornea, aqueous humor, lens, vitreous humor, and retina.

What is the space through which a nerve impulse passes from one nerve cell to another called?

The space through which a nerve impulse passes from one nerve cell to another is called a synapse. It is a small gap between neurons where neurotransmitters are released to transmit signals between the cells.

What is it called when a message passes though a neuron?

you are a piece of $hit

Which neuron receives information?

Sensory neurons are responsible for receiving information from the external environment or internal body systems and transmitting it to the central nervous system. These neurons are specialized to detect various stimuli such as touch, pain, temperature, pressure, and chemical signals.

When sound passes through the ear list the structures it passes through in the correct order?

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What is the name of a neuron that transmits neural impulse from the sensory neuron to the motor neuron?

A relay neurone passes impulses from a sensory neurone to a motor neurone.