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Ar > Si > Mg > Na > P. Atomic radius generally decreases from left to right across a period due to increasing effective nuclear charge, but increases down a group due to additional electron shells.

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The atomic symbol of argon is Ar.

What is the atomic number of Ar?

That depends on the isotope, as Argon has three different stable isotopes and many different radioactive isotopes.

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The chemical formula for argon is Ar. It is a noble gas with an atomic number of 18.

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What elements has the smallest atomic size K Ca Na Ar or Kr?

The element with the smallest atomic size is Argon (Ar) as it has the highest atomic number among the options given. Atomic size generally decreases from left to right across a period in the periodic table.

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What is the atomic of arogon?

Argon is a non metal element. Atomic Mass of it is 40.

What chemical element has the atomic number 18?

Argon (Ar)

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The abbreviation is more correctly described as the 'CHEMICAL SYMBOL'. It is 'Ar'.

What is the element with an atomic number 18?

The element with atomic number 18 is Argon. It is a noble gas with the symbol Ar.

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Well, in science I am learning atoms. Element: Carbon ....... Symbol: C ...... Atomic Number: 6 ....... Atomic Mass: 12 Element: Argon ......... Symbol: Ar...... Atomic Number: 18 ..... Atomic Mass: 40

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