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Q: What is the controlled variable of melting ice?
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What is the controlled variable for hot ice?

For hot ice, the controlled variable would be the temperature at which the solution is prepared. Keeping this constant ensures that any differences observed in the formation of hot ice are due to the change in the independent variable (such as the amount of sodium acetate added) rather than fluctuations in temperature.

What is the difference between the controlled variable and an independent variable?

A controlled variable is one which you try to keep constant. The independent variable is the on that you change. The dependent variable is the one you measure. For instance, how much will a drink cool down in one minute when you add a certain number of ice cubes to it? The independent variable is the number of ice cubes. The dependent variable is the temperature drop. There are many possible controlled variables: the starting temp of the drink, the size of the ice cubes, the type of glass, the air temperature, and so on. See related link below.

What is cotrols variable?

controlled variable is something that is controlled by the independent variable

What is the independent variable in this experiment 'Does an ice cube melt faster in air or water'?

The independent variable in this experiment is the type of environment in which the ice cube is placed (air or water). This variable is manipulated by the experimenter to observe its effect on the rate of melting of the ice cube.

What is the melting point of sea ice?

The melting point of sea ice is 0 degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit). At this temperature, ice transitions from a solid to a liquid state.

What type of variable depends on the controlled variable?

The variable that depends on the controlled variable is typically the dependent variable. This variable is measured or observed to see how it responds to changes in the controlled variable during an experiment or study.

What is cotrol?

controlled variable is something that is controlled by the independent variable

What does melting ice do?

Melting ice turns the ice into water.

What is a example of controlled variable?

A controlled variable is a setting where the dependent variable is not controlled by the independent variable. For example, if you were trying to measure the rate of movement in an organism in highly salty concentrations, a controlled variable would include the organism in an environment with no salt at all.

Which variable is intentionally controlled by the experimenter?

The independent variable is intentionally controlled by the experimenter. This variable is manipulated to determine its effect on the dependent variable.

What is the difference between dependent and controlled variables?

The controlled variable is the one that you chose to change while the dependant is the variable that changes because it is effected by the controlled variable