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Centromere connects the sister Chromatids

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The connector for sister chromatids is called the centromere. It is a specialized region of the chromosome that holds the two sister chromatids together. During cell division, the centromere plays a crucial role in ensuring that each daughter cell receives the correct number of chromosomes.

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2. What are sister chromatids When do the separate?

In anaphase I the sister chromatids remain attached, while in anaphase II the sister chromatids separate.

When do sister chromatids separates?

Sister Chromatids separate during anaphase.

What is the name of the structure that connects the sister chromatids?

The cell structure that joins two sister chromatids into one single chromosome is called the centromere. This is at the center of the sister chromatids.

What chromatids are attached at the centromere?

Sister chromatids are the chromatids that are attached at the centromere. Sister chromatids are two identical copies of a chromosome produced during DNA replication, and they remain attached until they are separated during cell division.

What is a cell structure that joins two sister chromatids of a chromosomes?

The cell structure that joins two sister chromatids into one single chromosome is called the centromere. This is at the center of the sister chromatids.

Why do sister chromatids cross over?

Sister chromatids dont over cuz they dont look it up lmfao

Why is it pointless for sister chromatids to crossover?

Crossing-over occurs between non-sister chromatids, since (prior to crossing-over) sister chromatids are genetically identical (i.e. one is a duplication of the other). Therefore, if sister chromatids underwent a cross-over, no genetic variation would occur.

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chromatids. They are identical copies of the original DNA molecule.

What is the difference between sister and non sister chromatids?

Sister chromatids are two identical copies of a single chromosome that are joined together by a centromere and are produced during DNA replication. Non-sister chromatids are chromatids belonging to different homologous chromosomes that can undergo genetic recombination during meiosis.

What are the sister chromatids in a chromosome attached by?

Sister chromatids in a chromosome are attached by a structure called the centromere. The centromere is a region where the two sister chromatids are held together until they separate during cell division.

What two identical bodies make up a duplicated chromosome?

Somatic cell chromosome is made of two identical chromatids

Which molecules is critical for the proper separation of sister chromatids?

The molecule critical for the proper separation of sister chromatids is called cohesin. Cohesin is a protein complex that holds the sister chromatids together during cell division. It helps ensure that the sister chromatids are accurately and evenly separated into two daughter cells.