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1mo ago

Electrolytes like sodium, potassium, and calcium are crucial for generating and propagating action potentials in neurons. These ions create concentration gradients across cell membranes, which are necessary for the rapid exchange of charged particles during the depolarization and repolarization phases of an action potential. Without proper electrolyte balance, nerve cells would not be able to effectively transmit electrical signals.

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Q: What is the connection with electrolytes and action potential?
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What are the major positive electrolytes responsible for depolarization?

The major positive electrolytes responsible for depolarization of a cell are sodium (Na+) and calcium (Ca2+). These ions enter the cell during the depolarization phase of an action potential, leading to a change in membrane potential and initiation of an electrical signal.

How can electrolyte imbalance control your heart function?

Electrolytes such as Sodium and potassium help the heart contract through a process called action potential. When the heart is at -60 MV the cell will open up allowing sodium into the cardiac cells causing a contraction. Look up action potential.

How is potential created?

potential difference is created by putting electrolytes in water ' the electrolyte breaks into pos and neg

What was the effect of curare on eliciting an action potential?

It creates an action potential

An electrical impulse moving down an axon is called?

An electrical impulse moving down an axon is called an action potential. This process involves the rapid depolarization and repolarization of the axon membrane in response to a stimulus, allowing for the transmission of signals along the neuron.

Why does curare create an action potential?

Curare does NOT create an action potential. It binds to nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (which are primarily excitatory), and prevents the formation of an action potential.

Why does curare appear to generate an action potential?

It doesn't. I prevents an action potential from forming.

What transmission of the depolarization wave along the neurons membrane?

Action potential

Also called a nerve impulse transmitted by axons?

action potential

Can subthreshold stimulation cause an action potential?

No, subthreshold stimulation is not sufficient to trigger an action potential. The membrane potential needs to reach a certain threshold level for an action potential to be generated. Subthreshold stimulation only produces graded potentials that do not reach the threshold for firing an action potential.

What is the difference between a compound action potential and a single action potential?

A compound action potential is the summation of multiple individual action potentials from different neurons, resulting in a larger, composite response. A single action potential is the brief electrical impulse that travels down an individual neuron in response to a stimulus.

The action potential is generated when a stimulus?

The action potential is generated when a stimulus causes a change in the electrical potential across the cell membrane, resulting in the opening of voltage-gated ion channels. This allows an influx of sodium ions, causing depolarization of the membrane and initiation of the action potential.