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the human body contains water and sodium- an excellent combination for conduction

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When a person is hit by lightning, the electrical current from the lightning can pass through their body, causing injuries or even death. Our bodies conduct electricity due to the presence of ions in our tissues, allowing the lightning's current to travel through, leading to electrocution and damage to internal organs.

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Q: What is the connection between the electricity in your bodies and being hit by lightning?
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What is the material between two charged bodies that prevents the discharge of electricity from one body to the other?

The material between two charged bodies that prevents the discharge of electricity is an insulator. Insulators have high resistivity, which inhibits the flow of electric current between the charged bodies. Examples of insulating materials include rubber, glass, and plastic.

What should you do if there's a thunderstorm in your area?

During thunderstorms, avoid places where lightning may strike. Also avoid places that conduct electricity, such as metal objects and bodies of water.

Why does lightning strike near water?

Lightning tends to strike near water because water is a good conductor of electricity. In areas with bodies of water, such as lakes or oceans, the presence of charged particles in the atmosphere can create differences in electric potential that lead to lightning strikes targeting these areas. Additionally, water vapor and droplets can aid in the electrical discharge process.

In what ways we see electricity in nature?

We see electricity in nature through phenomena such as lightning, which is a discharge of electrical energy in the atmosphere. Electric eels and some other animals can also generate electricity through specialized cells in their bodies. Electromagnetic fields created by the Earth and the sun also demonstrate the presence of electricity in nature.

What does connec stand for in general?

This word stands for connection. A connection is a bond between two or more physical bodies in the universe. This word can be found in all dictionaries in the world.

Is it possible to pass electricity in a controlled manner from a heavily (static)charged body?

I assume you want to discharge them slowly. You can connect it to other (uncharged) bodies using a connection that has a fairly high resistance. The higher the resistance, the slower the electricity will discharge.

Does electricity exist naturally in any form?

Yes, the nerve cells in living things use electricity to function, and lightning is natural electricity. There are natural earth currents in the ground and air that are generated by the interaction of Earth's magnetic field with the solar wind. There are a lot more examples, including electric eels, which can generate substantial electric charges in their bodies.

How does electricity affects your body?

electricity affect you're bodies beacause the electricity is powerful and it's too much for our bodies our skin is sensitive just like a baby's skin and don't even try to get electrecuted.

How fast does the electricity in your bodies go at?

32 mph

How much static electricity do you hold in your bodies?

20000 volts

What does the connection and interaction between the sun and earth do?

The connection and interaction between the sun and Earth is crucial for sustaining life on our planet. The sun provides heat and light energy that drives processes such as photosynthesis, weather patterns, and ocean currents. This interaction also influences Earth's climate, seasons, and overall environment.