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Q: What is the complementary DNA for GTA CA?
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If this strand of DNA were used GTA CA what would be the complementary DNA produced?

CAT GT. -APEX Learning

What is the complementary DNA of atgcatgta-3'?

The complementary DNA strand of ATG-CAT-GTA-3' is TAC-GTA-CAT-5'.

What would be the complementary DNA produced for GTA CA?

CAT GT. -APEX Learning

What is the complementary strand of DNA to catttggga?

Gta aac cct

A gene has the base sequence that starts with TCG GAC CAT CGA a) What would be the complementary DNA strand formed from this DNA ing?

The complementary DNA strand would be AGC CTG GTA GCT. In DNA, adenine pairs with thymine and cytosine pairs with guanine. Therefore, the complementary strand is formed by replacing each base with its complementary base.

How are complementary of DNA held together?

Complementary strands of DNA are held together by hydrogen bonds connecting complementary bases.

A strand of DNA contains the base sequence AGTT. What is the sequence of the complementary strand of DNA?

The complementary strand of DNA for the sequence AGTT would be TCAA. In DNA, adenine pairs with thymine and guanine pairs with cytosine. So the complementary base for A is T, G is C, T is A, and T is A.

Guanine is a complementary base for which of these DNA nucleotides?

Guanine is a complementary base for cytosine in DNA.

Given the following strand of dna what is the complementary strand actggctac?

The complementary DNA strand to ACTGGCTAC is TGACCGATG.

What is complementary DNA strand for att-cga-tgc?

The complementary strand of the DNA is TAA-GCT-ACG

How many strands of DNA are used to make complementary DNA?

Two strands of DNA are used to make complementary DNA during the process of DNA replication. This involves separating the two original DNA strands and using each as a template to build a new complementary strand.

If anticodon on trna is gua what were the nucliotide coded by DNA?

If the anticodon on tRNA is GUA, then the corresponding codon on the mRNA would be CAU. This means that the DNA originally coded for the mRNA sequence, which was then translated into tRNA using the complementary base pairing rules.