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This compound is germanium dioxide.

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Q: What is the chemical name for GeO2?
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What is the name for the chemical compound GeO2?

The chemical compound GeO2 is called germanium dioxide.

What is the name of GeO2 compound?

The compound GeO2 is called germanium dioxide.

What is the chemical formula for geranium oxide?

Formula: GeO2

What is the formula for germanium oxide?

chemical formula is GeO2. Its other names are germanic acid, G-15, and ACC10380. It forms as a passivation layer on pure germanium in contact with atmospheric oxygen.

How can you get a pure sample of germanium?

Pure germanium is obtained by distllation of germanium tetrachloride, followed by hydrolysis of GeCl4 to GeO2 and reducing of GeO2 with hydrogen to Ge.

What happens when you add water to germanium chloride?

When water is added to germanium chloride (GeCl4), the chemical reaction produces hydrochloric acid (HCl) and germanium dioxide (GeO2). This is a typical hydrolysis reaction that results in the formation of a solid product that can be separated from the solution.

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What compounds contain germanium?

Germanium can be found in compounds such as germanium dioxide (GeO2), germanium tetrahydride (GeH4), and germanium tetrachloride (GeCl4). These compounds are important in the electronics industry and for various chemical applications.

What State of oxides of germanium?

Germanium oxide can exist in different oxidation states: GeO, GeO2, and GeO3. GeO2, also known as germanium dioxide, is the most stable and commonly found oxide of germanium.

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