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Many lipases exist, each with a different formula ! Please wrtite the complet and correct name of your lipase.

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Q: What is the chemical formula of lipase enzyme?
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What enzyme is responsible for fat digestion?

the lipase enzyme :)

What chemical family is lipase?

Lipase is an enzyme that belongs to the esterase family. It specifically catalyzes the hydrolysis of ester bonds in lipids, such as triglycerides.

What is a non enzyme chemical that breaks down fat?

lipase and Bile produced from Gullbladder

What is the balanced chemical equation for lipase?

Lipase is NOT a specific biochemical reaction. It is an enzyme catalyzing the enzymatic breakdown (hydrolysis) of fats (lipids). triglyceride (fat) + water --> 3 fatty acids + glycerol

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Which is the enzyme tha hydrolyzes triacylglycerols?

The enzyme that hydrolyzes triacylglycerols is lipase. Lipase breaks down the ester bonds in triglycerides, releasing fatty acids and glycerol molecules.

What do lipase act on?

lipase is an enzyme that breaks down lipids

What enzyme digests stains containing fats?

The name of the type of enzyme that digests stains containing fats is Lipase.

Where is the lipase enzyme found in the cell?

Lipase is found in the organelle called a lysosome.

Is pancreatic lipase an emulsifier?

No, pancreatic lipase is an enzyme that breaks down fats into fatty acids and glycerol. Emulsifiers are molecules that help to mix fats and water together, but pancreatic lipase does not serve this function.

What is co-lipase?

Co-lipase is a protein that binds to pancreatic lipase to help break down fats in the small intestine. It plays a crucial role in the digestion and absorption of dietary fats by enhancing the activity of pancreatic lipase.

Short-chain triglycerides found in foods such as butterfat molecules in milk are split by a specific enzyme in preparation for absorption what enzymes is responsible?

lipase enzyme