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Quartz is silicon dioxide (SiO2).

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Q: What is the chemical composition of quartz mineral?
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Related questions

What mineral is stable at earths surface?

Quartz is a mineral that is stable at Earth's surface due to its chemical composition and resistance to weathering processes.

Which mineral shows no cleavage has a hardness of 6.5 and a composition of SIO?

The mineral that fits this description is quartz. It has a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale, does not show cleavage, and has a chemical composition of SiO2.

Is quartz homo or hetero?

Quartz is a mineral composed of silicon and oxygen (SiO2) and is considered a homogenous substance because it has a consistent chemical composition throughout its structure.

What does it mean to say that a mineral has a definite chemical composition?

When a mineral has a definite chemical composition, it means that it is composed of specific elements in fixed proportions. This composition is consistent and does not vary within a given mineral species. It allows for the identification and classification of minerals based on their unique chemical makeup.

A rock that consists mostly of mineral quartz will have a composition very similar to?

Quartz is a major mineral in granite. Therefore, a rock consisting mostly of quartz will have a composition similar to granite. Both rocks are light in color and have a high silica content.

What property of a mineral is determined by its chemical composition?

The color of a mineral is determined by its chemical composition. Different elements in a mineral can give it a distinct color.

What mineral composition?

Each known mineral has a specific chemical composition.

Why is the chemical composition of a mineral important?

The chemical composition of a mineral is important because it helps identify the mineral and provides information on its physical and chemical properties. Understanding the composition can help determine how the mineral formed, where it is found, and how it can be used in various applications.

Is quartz a mineral or non mineral?

Quartz is a mineral, chemical formula SiO2.

What is the percent of quartz found in granite?

12 percent on a mineral composition table

What common mineral is resistant to both physical and chemical weathering?

Quartz is a common mineral that is resistant to both physical and chemical weathering. Its hardness and lack of cleavage make it more durable under mechanical forces, while its chemical composition is less reactive to chemical weathering processes.

What is the mineral composition of granite?

the mineral composition of granite isfeldspar,diamond,talc,chalk and other plutonic rocks