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Dermal tissue in plants serves as a protective layer, helping to prevent water loss and protect against external threats like pathogens and pests. It also provides structural support and aids in gas exchange through specialized structures like stomata. Additionally, dermal tissues can contain specialized cells like trichomes for additional functions such as reducing water loss or deterring herbivores.

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Q: What is the chartericts of dermal tissues?
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Is the dermal strands of tissues conduct food water and minerals?

Yes dermal strands of tissue do conduct food , water and minerals

What is dermatrol?

It is the machine I invented and stands for dermatological control. It operates with the principal in mind that an outside device can provide control of dermal and sub dermal tissues during and after trauma.

Does a root have dermal ground or vascular tissue?

Roots have vascular tissues like xylem and phloem

What are the types of plant tissues?

There are three main types of plant tissues: dermal, vascular, and ground tissues. Dermal tissue acts as the outer protective covering of the plant, vascular tissue transports water, nutrients, and sugars throughout the plant, while ground tissue provides structural support and storage.

What three tissues systems compose a stem?

Dermal tissue system, ground tissue system, and vascular tissue system.

What tissues are in the plant and what do they do?

Plants have several types of tissues, including dermal, ground, and vascular tissues. Dermal tissues cover the outer surface, protecting the plant. Ground tissues make up the bulk of the plant and are involved in photosynthesis, storage, and support. Vascular tissues transport water, nutrients, and other substances throughout the plant.

What does the cambium produce?

Cork cambium is used for secondary growth.Cork cambium produces new dermal tissues that replace the epidermal tissues from protoderm. Cork cambium is consisted of cork cambium and cork.

Are Skin surface markings that reflect points of tight dermal attachment to underlying tissues are called epidermal ridges?

flexure lines

What is the dermal tissue ground tissue and vascular tissue systems are derived from?

The dermal tissue system is derived from protoderm, the ground tissue system from ground meristem, and the vascular tissue system from procambium. These tissues are derived from primary meristematic tissue during plant development.

Where is the dermal?

Your skin is the dermal.

What do dermal tears show up as on the skin?

Dermal tears can appear as red, painful lacerations on the surface of the skin. They may also show signs of bruising and swelling around the affected area. In severe cases, the skin may split open, exposing the underlying tissues.

How will you differentiate between the different plant tissues?

Plant tissues can be differentiated based on their structure, function, and location within the plant. For example, dermal tissues cover and protect the plant, ground tissues provide support and storage, and vascular tissues transport water and nutrients. On a microscopic level, tissues can be distinguished by cell type, arrangement, and presence of specialized structures like xylem vessels or stomata.