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Q: What is the charge in flue gas particle?
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What are three instruments that a flue-gas analysis kit might contain?

A flue-gas analysis kit may contain a gas detector for measuring gas concentrations, a temperature probe for measuring flue gas temperature, and a draft gauge for measuring draft pressure in the flue.

What does a flue gas desulphurisation plant do?

A flue gas Desulphurisation (FGD) plant removes Sulphur Dioxide from the flue gas before it is released into the atmosphere and hence reduces our impact on the environment.

What is a vented fireplace?

Usually refers to a gas fireplace, since wood fireplaces are vented by the flue (chimney) Gas fireplaces can be vented (flue) or unvented (no flue)

Can you run gas furnace and gas hot water heater into one flue?

Of course If the flue is sized properly

Where can someone purchase a flue gas analyzer?

A flue gas analyzer is used to check the chemicals in the gasses in one's flue. They can be purchased at most home improvement stores or stores that have a home improvement section.

How can you calculate flue gas loss on ignecation?

Flue gas loss on ignition can be calculated by measuring the difference in stack gas temperature before and after ignition, along with the flow rate of the gas and its composition. By determining the energy content of the flue gas before and after combustion, the flue gas loss on ignition can be calculated using the energy balance equation. This measurement helps in assessing the efficiency of the combustion process and identifying opportunities for improvement.

What is the subatomic particle with a negative charge?

The subatomic particle with a negative charge is the electron.

Alpha particle charge?

The alpha particle has a charge of +2e, where e is the elementary charge of a proton. This means the alpha particle has a positive charge of twice the charge of a single proton.

What is the charge of the particle?

A proton (H+) is the smallest particle with a positive charge.

What subatomic particle has a charge of -1?

The electron is a subatomic particle that has a charge of -1.

What is the electrical charge of an alpha particle?

An alpha particle has a charge of +2e, where e represents the elementary charge of a proton. This means that an alpha particle has a charge equivalent to two protons.

What is the purpose of a bypass on an industrial boiler economiser?

If the boiler fuel contains Sulphur (and most do) combustion products in the flue gas will include Oxides of Sulphur (SO2 and SO3). SO3 combines with water (H2O) to make Sulphuric Acid (H2SO4). If the temperature of the flue gas falls below the dew point, the combination of the acid with the moisture in the flue gas causes corrosion of the flue gas duct work. Bypassing the economiser in the early stages of a boiler start keeps the flue gas temperature above the dew point.