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I think this refers to "granulation".

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Q: What is the bubbling effect seen on the surface of the sun?
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The Sun's surface seethes and churns with a bubbling pattern Why?

The bubbling pattern on the Sun's surface is caused by convection. Hot material rises from within the Sun, cools off at the surface, and then sinks back down below, creating a continuous cycle of motion. This convection process is responsible for generating the Sun's magnetic field and driving solar activity like sunspots and solar flares.

Bubbling motions pass energy through which layer of the sun?

The photosphere is the uppermost layer of the sun. It passes energy through this layer with a bubbling motion, carrying hotter, less dense material to the upper surface as the cooled, denser material sinks deeper into the surface.

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Have you seen the dark spot on the sun what is it called where it is formed what causes it?

Yes I have seen a dark spot on the Sun. It is called a "Sunspot". It is formed on the Sun's surface which is called the "photo-sphere" and is caused by a loop of the Sun's magnetic field poking though the Sun's surface.

What is sometimes seen emerging from the sun's surface?

solar flares

What provides the light seen on the moon?

The sun provides the light seen on the moon, because the sun's rays hits the moon's surface

What is the bright red layer of the sun surface containing hydrogen gas that can seen?

The bright red layer of the sun's surface containing hydrogen gas that can be seen is called the chromosphere. It lies just above the sun's visible surface, the photosphere, and is responsible for the red color seen during solar eclipses.

What is the name of the surface of the sun which is seen from the earth?

The visible surface of the sun is called the photosphere. It emits light that we can see, and is where most of the sun's energy is radiated into space.

What is the bubbling characteristic of the photosphere called?

The bubbling characteristic of the photosphere is called solar granulation. These granules are caused by the convective motion of plasma beneath the surface of the Sun, creating cells of rising hot plasma and sinking cooler plasma that appear as granules on the photosphere.

Which electromagnetic waves from the sun produce a heating effect?

Infrared radiation from the sun produces a heating effect on the Earth's surface. This radiation is responsible for warming the planet and heating objects on the surface.

What part of the sun does storm clouds occur in?

I assume you are talking about sunspots, as they are, in effect, "storms on the sun". They occur on or near the sun's surface.

Through which layer of the sun does bubbling motions pass energy?

The photosphere.