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At the western edge of the Nazca plate and the eastern edge of the Pacific plate lies the East Pacific Rise. The East Pacific Rice is known as a mid-ocean ridge, formed from a divergent boundary.

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It is a convergent/destructive plate boundary.

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Q: What is the boundary type between pacific plate and the nazca plate?
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What body type is the Pacific plate and the Nazca Platew What boundary type is the Pacific plate and the Nazca plate?

The Nazca plate shares both convergent and divergent boundaries. The Pacific plate has both a transform boundary and divergent boundary

What type of plate boundary occurs between the Nazca and South American Plate?

A convergent plate boundary occurs between the Nazca Plate and the South American Plate. The Nazca Plate is subducting beneath the South American Plate, leading to the formation of the Andes mountain range.

What type of plate boundary between nazca plate and the south American plate?

It is a convergent/destructive plate boundary.

What type of plate boundary is mount villarrica on?

Pacific will definitely be involved, but it could rest on a Nazca plate.

Which crustal plate can be found between nazca plate and south American plate?

The crustal plate found between the Nazca Plate and the South American Plate is the Antarctic Plate.

Are there earthquakes volcanoes hurricanes and tsunamis at he nazca plate boundary?

The plate boundary between the Nazca Plate and the South American Plate does produce volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Hurricanes have nothing to do with plate boundaries.

The East Pacific Rise separates the Nazca Plate from the Plate?

The East Pacific Rise separates the Pacific Plate from the Nazca Plate. It is a divergent boundary where the two plates are moving away from each other, leading to the formation of new oceanic crust. This process is driven by seafloor spreading.

The East Pacific Rise separates the Nazca Plate from the?

The East Pacific Rise separates the Nazca Plate from the Pacific Plate.

What type of crust is found on the nazca plate?

It forms a convergent boundary with the South American Plate, divergent.

What is a name of a plate between the Pacific and South American plates?

it is nazca plate

What is the name of a plate between the pacific and south American plate?

The plate located between the Pacific and South American plates is called the Nazca Plate. It is known for its subduction beneath the South American Plate along the Peru-Chile Trench.

What is the type of plate boundary for Galeras?
